2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 19 - Limited Liability Companies
Section 53-19-60.1 - Conversions and mergers; conversion of limited liability company to corporation, partnership or limited partnership.

A. A limited liability company may be converted to a corporation, partnership or limited partnership pursuant to this section.
B. The terms and conditions of a conversion of a limited liability company to a corporation, partnership or limited partnership shall be approved by the number or percentage of the members or managers specifically required for conversion in the operating agreement or, in absence of such a provision in the operating agreement, by all the members.
C. An agreement of conversion shall set forth the terms and conditions of the conversion of the members' interests in the limited liability company into interests in the corporation, partnership or limited partnership or the cash or other consideration to be paid or delivered as a result of the conversion of the members' interests, or a combination of these.
D. After a conversion is approved under Subsection B of this section, the limited liability company shall file with the commission [secretary of state], if the converted entity is a partnership, a statement containing the items set forth below, if the converted entity is a corporation, articles of incorporation and a statement containing the items set forth below and, if the converted entity is a limited partnership, a certificate of limited partnership and a statement containing the items set forth below:
(1) a statement that the corporation, partnership or limited partnership was converted from a limited liability company;
(2) the former name of the limited liability company;
(3) a statement of the number of votes cast by the members or managers entitled to vote for and against the conversion and, if the vote is other than a unanimous vote of the members, the number or percentage of members or managers required to approve the conversion under Subsection B of this section; and
(4) a statement that the articles of organization of the limited liability company are to be canceled as of the date the conversion takes effect.
E. The filing of articles of incorporation for a corporation, a statement for a partnership or a certificate of limited partnership for a limited partnership resulting from a conversion pursuant to this section, cancels the articles of organization of the limited liability company as of the date the conversion takes effect.
F. A conversion takes effect when articles of incorporation, a certificate of limited partnership or statement required if the converted entity is a partnership, are filed with the commission [secretary of state] or at any later date specified in the filed document.
History: 1978 Comp., § 53-19-60.1, enacted by Laws 2001, ch. 200, § 79; 2003, ch. 318, § 57.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Laws 2013, ch. 75, § 9 provided that as of July 1, 2013, the secretary of state, pursuant to N.M. const., Art. 11, § 19, shall assume responsibility for chartering corporations as provided by law, including the performance of the functions of the former corporations bureau of the public regulation commission, and that except for Subsection D of 53-5-8 NMSA 1978, references to the "public regulation commission", "state corporation commission" or "commission" shall be construed to be references to the secretary of state. See 8-4-7 NMSA 1978.
The 2003 amendment, effective July 1, 2003, in Subsection B, substituted "by the" for "by all of the members or by a" following "shall be approved", inserted "specifically" following "members or managers", added "or, in absence of such a provision in the operating agreement, by all the members" at the end; substituted "interests" for "interest" following "of the members"' in Subsection C.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 53 - Corporations

Article 19 - Limited Liability Companies

Section 53-19-1 - Short title.

Section 53-19-2 - Definitions.

Section 53-19-3 - Name.

Section 53-19-4 - Reservation of name.

Section 53-19-5 - Registered office and registered agent; change of principal place of business.

Section 53-19-6 - Nature and duration of business.

Section 53-19-7 - Formation.

Section 53-19-8 - Articles of organization.

Section 53-19-9 - Filing.

Section 53-19-10 - Effect of filing of articles of organization.

Section 53-19-11 - Amendment and restatement of articles of organization.

Section 53-19-12 - Execution of documents.

Section 53-19-13 - Liability of members and managers to third parties.

Section 53-19-14 - Parties to actions.

Section 53-19-15 - Management by members or managers.

Section 53-19-16 - Liabilities and duties of managers and members.

Section 53-19-17 - Voting.

Section 53-19-18 - Indemnification of members and managers.

Section 53-19-19 - Records and information.

Section 53-19-20 - Contributions to capital; certificates of membership interest.

Section 53-19-21 - Liability for contribution.

Section 53-19-22 - Sharing of profits and losses.

Section 53-19-23 - Sharing of interim distributions.

Section 53-19-24 - Distribution on event of dissociation.

Section 53-19-25 - Withdrawals of capital and distributions in kind.

Section 53-19-26 - Wrongful distributions.

Section 53-19-27 - Liability upon wrongful distribution.

Section 53-19-28 - Right to distribution.

Section 53-19-29 - Ownership of property by the limited liability company.

Section 53-19-30 - Transfer of property of limited liability company.

Section 53-19-31 - Nature of membership interest.

Section 53-19-32 - Assignment of interests.

Section 53-19-33 - Right of assignee to become a member.

Section 53-19-34 - Interest of a deceased, incompetent or terminated member.

Section 53-19-35 - Rights of judgment creditor of member.

Section 53-19-36 - Admission of members.

Section 53-19-37 - Voluntary withdrawal of members.

Section 53-19-38 - Events of dissociation.

Section 53-19-39 - Dissolution.

Section 53-19-40 - Judicial dissolution.

Section 53-19-41 - Articles of dissolution.

Section 53-19-42 - Winding up.

Section 53-19-43 - Power of managers or members after dissolution.

Section 53-19-44 - Distribution of assets.

Section 53-19-45 - Known claims against dissolved limited liability company.

Section 53-19-46 - Unknown claims against dissolved limited liability company.

Section 53-19-47 - Laws governing foreign limited liability company.

Section 53-19-48 - Registration.

Section 53-19-49 - Issuance of registration.

Section 53-19-50 - Name.

Section 53-19-51 - Amended certificate of registration.

Section 53-19-52 - Cancellation of registration.

Section 53-19-53 - Transaction of business without registration.

Section 53-19-54 - Transactions not constituting transacting business.

Section 53-19-55 - Service of process.

Section 53-19-56 - Action by attorney general.

Section 53-19-57 - Suits by and against the limited liability company.

Section 53-19-58 - Authority to sue on behalf of limited liability company.

Section 53-19-59 - Conversions and mergers; definitions.

Section 53-19-60 - Conversions and mergers; conversion of corporation, partnership or limited partnership to limited liability company.

Section 53-19-60.1 - Conversions and mergers; conversion of limited liability company to corporation, partnership or limited partnership.

Section 53-19-61 - Conversions and mergers; effect of conversion.

Section 53-19-62 - Conversions and merger of entities.

Section 53-19-62.1 - Conversion and mergers; articles of merger.

Section 53-19-62.2 - Conversions and mergers; effect of merger.

Section 53-19-62.3 - Conversion and mergers; non-exclusivity.

Section 53-19-63 - Filing, service and copying fees.

Section 53-19-64 - Execution by judicial act.

Section 53-19-65 - Rules of construction.

Section 53-19-66 - Powers of commission [secretary of state].

Section 53-19-66.1 - Administrative revocation.

Section 53-19-66.2 - Reinstatement following administrative revocation.

Section 53-19-67 - Appeal from commission [secretary of state].

Section 53-19-68 - Issuance of certificate of good standing and compliance.

Section 53-19-69 - Certificates and certified copies to be received in evidence.

Section 53-19-70 - Forms furnished by the commission [secretary of state].

Section 53-19-71 - Application to existing limited liability companies.

Section 53-19-72 - Application to foreign and interstate commerce.

Section 53-19-73 - Reservation of power.

Section 53-19-74 - Commission's [secretary of state's] retention of records.