2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 11 - Business Corporations; Substantive Provisions
Section 53-11-3 - Purposes.

Corporations may be organized under the Business Corporation Act for any lawful purpose or purposes, except banking, insurance, credit unions, savings and loan associations, railroads and waterworks organized under the Laws of 1887, Chapter 12.
History: 1953 Comp., § 51-24-3, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 81, § 3.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 1887, ch. 12, referred to in this section, is compiled as 62-2-1 to 62-2-15, 62-2-17 to 62-2-19, 62-2-21 and 62-2-22 NMSA 1978.
This section is derived from Section 3 of the ABA Model Business Corporation Act.
Statute not for incorporation of savings bank. — If the purpose, or one of the purposes, of incorporating is to operate a savings bank, this statute is not available. First Thrift & Loan Ass'n v. State ex rel. Robinson, 1956-NMSC-099, 62 N.M. 61, 304 P.2d 582 (decided under 51-2-6, 1953 Comp., now repealed).
No banking business under general corporation laws. — A corporation cannot organize under the general corporation laws and thereafter conduct a banking business whether or not said corporation has two departments. First Thrift & Loan Ass'n v. State ex rel. Robinson, 1956-NMSC-099, 62 N.M. 61, 304 P.2d 582 (decided under 51-2-6, 1953 Comp., now repealed).
Law reviews. — For survey, "Article VII of the New Probate Code: In Pursuit of Uniform Trust Administration," see 6 N.M.L. Rev. 213 (1976).
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 18A Am. Jur. 2d Corporations §§ 192 to 198, 204.
18 C.J.S. Corporations § 28.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 53 - Corporations

Article 11 - Business Corporations; Substantive Provisions

Section 53-11-1 - Short title.

Section 53-11-2 - Definitions.

Section 53-11-3 - Purposes.

Section 53-11-4 - General powers.

Section 53-11-4.1 - Indemnification of directors and officers.

Section 53-11-5 - Power of corporation to acquire its own shares.

Section 53-11-6 - Defense of ultra vires.

Section 53-11-7 - Corporate name.

Section 53-11-9 - Registered name.

Section 53-11-10 - Renewal of registered name.

Section 53-11-11 - Registered office and registered agent.

Section 53-11-12 - Failure to appoint and maintain registered agent; penalty; reinstatement.

Section 53-11-13 - Change of registered office or registered agent.

Section 53-11-14 - Service of process on corporation.

Section 53-11-15 - Authorized shares.

Section 53-11-15.1 - Shares held for account.

Section 53-11-16 - Issuance of shares of preferred or special classes in series.

Section 53-11-17 - Subscriptions for shares.

Section 53-11-18 - Issuance of shares.

Section 53-11-19 - Payment for shares.

Section 53-11-20 - Stock rights and options.

Section 53-11-21 - Repealed.

Section 53-11-22 - Expenses of organization, reorganization and financing.

Section 53-11-23 - Shares represented by certificates and uncertificated shares.

Section 53-11-24 - Fractional shares.

Section 53-11-25 - Liability of subscribers and shareholders.

Section 53-11-26 - Shareholders' preemptive rights.

Section 53-11-27 - Bylaws.

Section 53-11-28 - Meetings of shareholders.

Section 53-11-29 - Notice of shareholders' meetings.

Section 53-11-30 - Closing of transfer books and fixing record date.

Section 53-11-31 - Voting list.

Section 53-11-32 - Quorum of shareholders.

Section 53-11-33 - Voting of shares.

Section 53-11-34 - Voting trusts and agreements among shareholders.

Section 53-11-35 - Board of directors.

Section 53-11-36 - Number and election of directors.

Section 53-11-37 - Classification of directors.

Section 53-11-38 - Vacancies.

Section 53-11-39 - Removal of directors.

Section 53-11-40 - Quorum of directors.

Section 53-11-40.1 - Director conflict of interest.

Section 53-11-41 - Executive and other committees.

Section 53-11-42 - Place and notice of directors' meetings; committee meetings.

Section 53-11-43 - Action by directors without a meeting.

Section 53-11-44 - Distributions to shareholders.

Section 53-11-45 - Repealed.

Section 53-11-46 - Liability of directors in certain cases.

Section 53-11-47 - Provisions relating to actions by shareholders.

Section 53-11-48 - Officers.

Section 53-11-49 - Removal of officers.

Section 53-11-50 - Books and records; financial reports to shareholders; examination of records.

Section 53-11-51 - Shares held for account.