2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Conveyances and General Provisions
Section 47-1-53 - Definition of coordinate system according to U.S. coast and geodetic survey [national ocean survey and national geodetic survey].

A. For purposes of more precisely defining the New Mexico coordinate system, the following definition by the national ocean survey and national geodetic survey is adopted:
(1) the New Mexico coordinate system, east zone, is a transverse mercator projection having a central meridian 104 20' west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in 11,000 too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 104 20' west of Greenwich and the parallel 31 00' north latitude;
(2) the New Mexico coordinate system, central zone, is a transverse mercator projection having a central meridian 106 15' west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in 10,000 too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 106 15' west of Greenwich and the parallel 31 00' north latitude;
(3) the New Mexico coordinate system, west zone, is a transverse mercator projection having a central meridian 107 50' west of Greenwich, on which meridian the scale is set at one part in 12,000 too small. The origin of coordinates is at the intersection of the meridian 107 50' west of Greenwich and the parallel 31 00' north latitude; and
(4) the origin for each zone is assigned the coordinates: x = 500,000 feet and y = 0 feet for the New Mexico coordinate system of 1927. The origin for the east zone is assigned to the coordinates: x = 165,000 meters and y = 0 meters, for the central zone x = 500,000 meters and y = 0 meters and for the west zone x = 830,000 meters and y = 0 meters for the New Mexico coordinate system of 1983.
B. The position of the New Mexico coordinate system shall be as marked on the ground by horizontal control stations established in conformity with standards adopted by the national ocean survey and national geodetic survey for first-order, second-order and third-order work, whose geodetic positions have been rigidly adjusted on the North American datum of 1927 or of 1983, and whose coordinates have been computed on the system defined in this section. Any such station may be used for establishing a survey connection with the New Mexico coordinate system.
History: 1953 Comp., § 70-1-51, enacted by Laws 1957, ch. 147, § 5; 1989, ch. 104, § 5.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Description in deed as relating to magnetic or true meridian, 70 A.L.R.3d 1220.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 47 - Property Law

Article 1 - Conveyances and General Provisions

Section 47-1-1 - "Real estate" defined.

Section 47-1-2 - Monopolies; entailments; primogeniture.

Section 47-1-3 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-4 - [Conveyances authorized.]

Section 47-1-4.1 - Actual authority; representatives of business entities; exception.

Section 47-1-5 - [Signing of conveyances.]

Section 47-1-6 - Seal unnecessary.

Section 47-1-7 - [Powers of attorney and revocations thereof to be acknowledged and recorded.]

Section 47-1-8 - [Conveyances under terminated power of attorney; validation.]

Section 47-1-9 - [Notice of revocation or death by means of affidavit.]

Section 47-1-10 - [Recordation of affidavit of termination of power of attorney.]

Section 47-1-11 - [Instruments by agent authorized.]

Section 47-1-12 - [Conveyance by decree or master.]

Section 47-1-13 - [Lineal and collateral securities; contracts binding realty as against heirs and legal claimants.]

Section 47-1-14 - [Effect of words "bargained and sold".]

Section 47-1-15 - [Joint grantees or devisees; tenancy in common.]

Section 47-1-16 - [Instrument of conveyance; prima facie evidence of joint tenancy.]

Section 47-1-17 - [Entailed estates.]

Section 47-1-17.1 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-18 - [Reversion; "heirs" and "successors" defined.]

Section 47-1-19 - [Rights of heirs of life tenant when made remaindermen.]

Section 47-1-20 - [Remainder to unborn child.]

Section 47-1-21 - [Future possession dependent on death without heirs; effect of birth of posthumous child.]

Section 47-1-22 - [Grants of rents, returns or remainders.]

Section 47-1-23 - [Transfer of reversion authorized.]

Section 47-1-24 - [Rights of transferee of reversion.]

Section 47-1-25 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-26 - [Tax assessment or payment in name of nonowner is not cloud on title.]

Section 47-1-27 - ["Statutory forms" of conveyance and mortgage of real property.]

Section 47-1-28 - [Applicability from effective date of act.]

Section 47-1-29 - ["Warranty deed" effective in fee simple.]

Section 47-1-30 - ["Quitclaim deed" effective in fee simple without warranty.]

Section 47-1-31 - ["Special warranty deed"; effect.]

Section 47-1-32 - ["Grant" effective as a word of conveyance.]

Section 47-1-33 - [Unnecessary terms; construction of deeds or reservations.]

Section 47-1-34 - [Rights included without enumeration.]

Section 47-1-35 - [Conveyance or mortgage to joint tenants.]

Section 47-1-36 - Joint tenancies defined; creation.

Section 47-1-37 - [Effect of warranty covenants in conveyances.]

Section 47-1-38 - [Effect of special warranty covenants in conveyances.]

Section 47-1-39 - [Mortgage or deed of trust provisions; effect.]

Section 47-1-40 - [Construction of "mortgage covenants".]

Section 47-1-41 - Construction of "statutory mortgage condition".

Section 47-1-42 - [Sheriff designated as successor trustee.]

Section 47-1-43 - [Verb "assign" sufficient to transfer interest.]

Section 47-1-44 - Conveyancing forms.

Section 47-1-45 - [Real estate brokerage agreements required to be in writing.]

Section 47-1-46 - [Real estate descriptions by reference to recorded instruments.]

Section 47-1-47 - [Recovery of realty donated to state or municipality for specific purposes.]

Section 47-1-48 - [Rules applicable; service of process.]

Section 47-1-49 - New Mexico coordinate system; zones.

Section 47-1-50 - Zone designations.

Section 47-1-51 - Plane coordinates, x and y; definition.

Section 47-1-52 - Description of land located in more than one zone.

Section 47-1-53 - Definition of coordinate system according to U.S. coast and geodetic survey [national ocean survey and national geodetic survey].

Section 47-1-54 - Recordation of land description based on coordinate system; limitation.

Section 47-1-55 - [Use on maps, reports of survey or other documents.]

Section 47-1-56 - Use of coordinate system.

Section 47-1-57 - Use of scrivener's-error affidavits.