2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Conveyances and General Provisions
Section 47-1-4.1 - Actual authority; representatives of business entities; exception.

A. Except as provided in Subsections B and D of this section, the persons in the following offices or positions shall each have the authority to execute conveyancing instruments and contracts for the transfer or encumbrance of real property owned by a business entity:
(1) for a cooperative association: president and vice president;
(2) for a professional corporation: president and vice president;
(3) for a nonprofit corporation: president and vice president;
(4) for a business corporation: president and vice president;
(5) for a limited liability company: manager, member manager, president and vice president;
(6) for a general partnership: partner;
(7) for a limited liability partnership: general partner; and
(8) for a limited partnership: general partner.
B. A business entity may limit or expand the authority provided for in Subsection A of this section by filing with the county clerk, in the county where the real property is located, a statement reflecting limitations on the persons listed as having authority, requiring multiple persons to exercise such authority or authorizing other officers or positions to have the requisite authority to act to transfer or encumber real property owned by the business entity. The recorded statement shall be binding until the business entity revokes or amends the recorded statement and records the revocation or amendment with the county clerk.
C. A person may rely on the authority of the persons set forth in Subsection A of this section to act on behalf of a business entity, subject to limitations set forth in a previously recorded statement as provided in Subsection B of this section. Nothing in this section shall preclude a business entity from executing a power of attorney and empowering an attorney in fact to also act on its behalf pursuant to the Uniform Power of Attorney Act [45-5B-101 to 45-5B-403 NMSA 1978].
D. An instrument or contract for the transfer or encumbrance of real property by a person without the authority provided in Subsection A or B of this section may be relied upon as binding the business entity if the instrument or contract has been recorded for a period exceeding ten years. That recorded instrument or contract may not be relied upon as binding, however, if:
(1) prior to the execution of that instrument or contract, the business entity recorded another document reflecting that the person who executed the instrument or contract did not have the authority to bind the business entity; or
(2) the authority of the person who executed the instrument or contract has been successfully challenged or is in the process of being challenged in a court having jurisdiction.
E. As used in this section, "business entity" means a:
(1) cooperative association created pursuant to the Cooperative Association Act [Chapter 53, Article 4 NMSA 1978];
(2) professional corporation created pursuant to the Professional Corporation Act [53-6-1 to 53-6-13 NMSA 1978];
(3) nonprofit corporation created pursuant to the Nonprofit Corporation Act [Chapter 53, Article 8 NMSA 1978];
(4) business corporation created pursuant to the Business Corporation Act [Chapter 53, Articles 11 through 18 NMSA 1978];
(5) limited liability company created pursuant to the Limited Liability Company Act [Chapter 53, Article 19 NMSA 1978];
(6) partnership created pursuant to the Uniform Partnership Act (1994) [54-1A-101 to 54-1A-1206 NMSA 1978];
(7) limited liability partnership created pursuant to the Uniform Partnership Act (1994); or
(8) limited partnership created pursuant to the Uniform Revised Limited Partnership Act [Chapter 54, Article 2A NMSA 1978].
History: Laws 2019, ch. 130, § 3
Effective dates. Laws 2019, ch. 130, § 5 made Laws 2019, ch. 130 effective July 1, 2019.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 47 - Property Law

Article 1 - Conveyances and General Provisions

Section 47-1-1 - "Real estate" defined.

Section 47-1-2 - Monopolies; entailments; primogeniture.

Section 47-1-3 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-4 - [Conveyances authorized.]

Section 47-1-4.1 - Actual authority; representatives of business entities; exception.

Section 47-1-5 - [Signing of conveyances.]

Section 47-1-6 - Seal unnecessary.

Section 47-1-7 - [Powers of attorney and revocations thereof to be acknowledged and recorded.]

Section 47-1-8 - [Conveyances under terminated power of attorney; validation.]

Section 47-1-9 - [Notice of revocation or death by means of affidavit.]

Section 47-1-10 - [Recordation of affidavit of termination of power of attorney.]

Section 47-1-11 - [Instruments by agent authorized.]

Section 47-1-12 - [Conveyance by decree or master.]

Section 47-1-13 - [Lineal and collateral securities; contracts binding realty as against heirs and legal claimants.]

Section 47-1-14 - [Effect of words "bargained and sold".]

Section 47-1-15 - [Joint grantees or devisees; tenancy in common.]

Section 47-1-16 - [Instrument of conveyance; prima facie evidence of joint tenancy.]

Section 47-1-17 - [Entailed estates.]

Section 47-1-17.1 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-18 - [Reversion; "heirs" and "successors" defined.]

Section 47-1-19 - [Rights of heirs of life tenant when made remaindermen.]

Section 47-1-20 - [Remainder to unborn child.]

Section 47-1-21 - [Future possession dependent on death without heirs; effect of birth of posthumous child.]

Section 47-1-22 - [Grants of rents, returns or remainders.]

Section 47-1-23 - [Transfer of reversion authorized.]

Section 47-1-24 - [Rights of transferee of reversion.]

Section 47-1-25 - Repealed.

Section 47-1-26 - [Tax assessment or payment in name of nonowner is not cloud on title.]

Section 47-1-27 - ["Statutory forms" of conveyance and mortgage of real property.]

Section 47-1-28 - [Applicability from effective date of act.]

Section 47-1-29 - ["Warranty deed" effective in fee simple.]

Section 47-1-30 - ["Quitclaim deed" effective in fee simple without warranty.]

Section 47-1-31 - ["Special warranty deed"; effect.]

Section 47-1-32 - ["Grant" effective as a word of conveyance.]

Section 47-1-33 - [Unnecessary terms; construction of deeds or reservations.]

Section 47-1-34 - [Rights included without enumeration.]

Section 47-1-35 - [Conveyance or mortgage to joint tenants.]

Section 47-1-36 - Joint tenancies defined; creation.

Section 47-1-37 - [Effect of warranty covenants in conveyances.]

Section 47-1-38 - [Effect of special warranty covenants in conveyances.]

Section 47-1-39 - [Mortgage or deed of trust provisions; effect.]

Section 47-1-40 - [Construction of "mortgage covenants".]

Section 47-1-41 - Construction of "statutory mortgage condition".

Section 47-1-42 - [Sheriff designated as successor trustee.]

Section 47-1-43 - [Verb "assign" sufficient to transfer interest.]

Section 47-1-44 - Conveyancing forms.

Section 47-1-45 - [Real estate brokerage agreements required to be in writing.]

Section 47-1-46 - [Real estate descriptions by reference to recorded instruments.]

Section 47-1-47 - [Recovery of realty donated to state or municipality for specific purposes.]

Section 47-1-48 - [Rules applicable; service of process.]

Section 47-1-49 - New Mexico coordinate system; zones.

Section 47-1-50 - Zone designations.

Section 47-1-51 - Plane coordinates, x and y; definition.

Section 47-1-52 - Description of land located in more than one zone.

Section 47-1-53 - Definition of coordinate system according to U.S. coast and geodetic survey [national ocean survey and national geodetic survey].

Section 47-1-54 - Recordation of land description based on coordinate system; limitation.

Section 47-1-55 - [Use on maps, reports of survey or other documents.]

Section 47-1-56 - Use of coordinate system.

Section 47-1-57 - Use of scrivener's-error affidavits.