2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - Larceny
Section 30-16-39 - Fraudulent acts to obtain or retain possession of rented or leased vehicle or other personal property; penalty.

A person who rents or leases a vehicle or other personal property and obtains or retains possession of it by means of any false or fraudulent representation, fraudulent concealment, false pretense, trick, artifice or device, including a false representation as to the person's name, residence, employment or operator's license, is guilty of a:
A. petty misdemeanor if the vehicle or property has a value of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or less;
B. misdemeanor if the vehicle or property has a value of over two hundred fifty dollars ($250) but not more than five hundred dollars ($500);
C. fourth degree felony if the property or vehicle has a value of over five hundred dollars ($500) but not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500);
D. third degree felony if the property or vehicle has a value of over two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) but not more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000); and
E. second degree felony if the property or vehicle has a value of over twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).
History: 1953 Comp., § 40A-16-39, enacted by Laws 1972, ch. 23, § 1; 1979, ch. 251, § 1; 2006, ch. 29, § 14.
The 2006 amendment, effective July 1, 2006, provided in Subsection A that if the value of the vehicle is $250 or less, the crime is a petty misdemeanor; provided in Subsection B that if the value of the vehicles is more than $250 but less than $500, the crime is a misdemeanor; provided in Subsection C that if the value of the vehicle is more than $500 but less than $2,500, the crime is a fourth degree felony; provided in Subsection D that if the value of the vehicle is more than $2,500 but less than $20,000, the crime is a third degree felony; and provided in Subsection E that if the value of the vehicle is more than $20,000, the crime is a second degree felony.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — State regulation of motor vehicle rental ("you-drive") business, 60 A.L.R.4th 784.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 30 - Criminal Offenses

Article 16 - Larceny

Section 30-16-1 - Larceny.

Section 30-16-2 - Robbery.

Section 30-16-3 - Burglary.

Section 30-16-4 - Aggravated burglary.

Section 30-16-5 - Possession of burglary tools.

Section 30-16-6 - Fraud.

Section 30-16-7 - Unlawful dealing in federal food coupons or WIC checks.

Section 30-16-8 - Embezzlement.

Section 30-16-9 - Extortion.

Section 30-16-10 - Forgery.

Section 30-16-11 - Receiving stolen property; penalties.

Section 30-16-12 - Falsely representing oneself as incapacitated.

Section 30-16-13 - Cheating machine or device.

Section 30-16-14 - Failing to label secondhand watches.

Section 30-16-15 - Coercing the purchase of insurance from particular broker.

Section 30-16-16 - Falsely obtaining services or accommodations; probable cause; immunity; penalty.

Section 30-16-17 - Unlawful removal of effects.

Section 30-16-18 - Improper sale, disposal, removal or concealing of encumbered property.

Section 30-16-19 - [Shoplifting;] definitions.

Section 30-16-20 - Shoplifting.

Section 30-16-21 - Civil liability of adult shoplifter; penalty.

Section 30-16-22 - Presumptions created.

Section 30-16-23 - Reasonable detention.

Section 30-16-24 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-24.1 - Theft of identity; obtaining identity by electronic fraud.

Section 30-16-25 - Credit cards; definitions.

Section 30-16-26 - Theft of a credit card by taking or retaining possession of card taken.

Section 30-16-27 - Possession of a credit card stolen, lost, mislaid or delivered by mistake.

Section 30-16-28 - Fraudulent transfer or receipt of a credit card.

Section 30-16-29 - Fraudulent taking, receiving or transferring credit cards.

Section 30-16-30 - Dealing in credit cards of another.

Section 30-16-31 - Forgery of a credit card.

Section 30-16-32 - Fraudulent signing of credit cards or sales slips or agreements.

Section 30-16-33 - Fraudulent use of a credit card.

Section 30-16-34 - Fraudulent acts by merchants or their employees.

Section 30-16-35 - Possession of incomplete credit cards or machinery, plates or other contrivance.

Section 30-16-36 - Receipt of property obtained in violation of act.

Section 30-16-37 - Obtaining fraudulently acquired transportation ticket at a discount.

Section 30-16-38 - Applicability of other laws.

Section 30-16-39 - Fraudulent acts to obtain or retain possession of rented or leased vehicle or other personal property; penalty.

Section 30-16-40 - Fraudulent refusal to return a leased vehicle or other personal property; penalty; presumption.

Section 30-16-41 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-42 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-43 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-44 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-45 - Repealed.

Section 30-16-46 - Legislative finding.

Section 30-16-47 - Documentation required.

Section 30-16-48 - Penalty; further investigation.