A person other than the issuer who receives or possesses a credit card that he knows or has reason to know to have been stolen, lost, mislaid or delivered under a mistake as to the identity or address of the cardholder, and who retains possession thereof with the intent to use it or to sell it or to transfer it to a person other than the issuer or the cardholder, is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.
History: 1953 Comp., § 40A-16-26, enacted by Laws 1971, ch. 239, § 3.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1971, ch. 239, § 15, repealed 40A-16-26, 1953 Comp., relating to the fraudulent taking, receiving or transfer of a credit card, and Laws 1971, ch. 239, § 3, enacted a new section.
Constitutionality. — Sections 30-16-26 and 30-16-27 NMSA 1978 are not unconstitutionally vague. State v. Wilson, 1994-NMSC-009, 116 N.M. 793, 867 P.2d 1175.
Intent. — Section 30-16-26 NMSA 1978 requires actual knowledge that the credit card was wrongfully taken at the time it was acquired, whereas Section 30-16-27 NMSA 1978 applies when the possessor of the card merely has reason to know of the stolen, mislaid, or mistakenly delivered nature of the card, which knowledge could be gained at any time during the possession. Further, Section 30-16-26 NMSA 1978 appears to proscribe acquisition with the requisite intent, whereas one can legitimately acquire a stolen credit card under Section 30-16-27 NMSA 1978 and if one develops the requisite intent later one would not be guilty until that time. State v. Wilson, 1994-NMSC-009, 116 N.M. 793, 867 P.2d 1175.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 30 - Criminal Offenses
Section 30-16-4 - Aggravated burglary.
Section 30-16-5 - Possession of burglary tools.
Section 30-16-7 - Unlawful dealing in federal food coupons or WIC checks.
Section 30-16-8 - Embezzlement.
Section 30-16-11 - Receiving stolen property; penalties.
Section 30-16-12 - Falsely representing oneself as incapacitated.
Section 30-16-13 - Cheating machine or device.
Section 30-16-14 - Failing to label secondhand watches.
Section 30-16-15 - Coercing the purchase of insurance from particular broker.
Section 30-16-16 - Falsely obtaining services or accommodations; probable cause; immunity; penalty.
Section 30-16-17 - Unlawful removal of effects.
Section 30-16-18 - Improper sale, disposal, removal or concealing of encumbered property.
Section 30-16-19 - [Shoplifting;] definitions.
Section 30-16-20 - Shoplifting.
Section 30-16-21 - Civil liability of adult shoplifter; penalty.
Section 30-16-22 - Presumptions created.
Section 30-16-23 - Reasonable detention.
Section 30-16-24.1 - Theft of identity; obtaining identity by electronic fraud.
Section 30-16-25 - Credit cards; definitions.
Section 30-16-26 - Theft of a credit card by taking or retaining possession of card taken.
Section 30-16-27 - Possession of a credit card stolen, lost, mislaid or delivered by mistake.
Section 30-16-28 - Fraudulent transfer or receipt of a credit card.
Section 30-16-29 - Fraudulent taking, receiving or transferring credit cards.
Section 30-16-30 - Dealing in credit cards of another.
Section 30-16-31 - Forgery of a credit card.
Section 30-16-32 - Fraudulent signing of credit cards or sales slips or agreements.
Section 30-16-33 - Fraudulent use of a credit card.
Section 30-16-34 - Fraudulent acts by merchants or their employees.
Section 30-16-35 - Possession of incomplete credit cards or machinery, plates or other contrivance.
Section 30-16-36 - Receipt of property obtained in violation of act.
Section 30-16-37 - Obtaining fraudulently acquired transportation ticket at a discount.
Section 30-16-38 - Applicability of other laws.
Section 30-16-46 - Legislative finding.