2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 26-1-5 - Penalty; exemptions.

No publisher, radio-broadcast licensee, or agency or medium for the dissemination of an advertisement, except the manufacturer, packer, distributor or seller of the article to which a false advertisement relates, shall be liable under this section [act] by reason of dissemination by him of such false advertisement, unless he has refused, on the request of the board, to furnish the board the name and post-office address of the manufacturer, packer, distributor, seller or advertising agency, who cause [caused] him to disseminate such advertisement.
History: 1953 Comp., § 54-6-30, enacted by Laws 1967, ch. 23, § 5.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
The words "this section" apparently refer to "this act," the New Mexico Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, which is compiled as this article.
Cross references. — For definition of "advertisement", see 26-1-2Q NMSA 1978.
No authority to charge at board meeting and then collect fine. — The pharmacy board has no authority to charge druggist or wholesalers at a meeting of the board and then set out and collect a fine for any violation or violations of the pharmacy laws at said meeting from said druggists or wholesalers. 1953 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 53-5865 (opinion rendered under former law).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 26 - Drugs and Cosmetics

Article 1 - General Provisions

Section 26-1-1 - Short title.

Section 26-1-2 - Definitions.

Section 26-1-3 - Prohibited acts.

Section 26-1-3.1 - Repealed.

Section 26-1-3.2 - Prescription drug donation.

Section 26-1-4 - Power to enjoin violations.

Section 26-1-5 - Penalty; exemptions.

Section 26-1-6 - Detection of drugs, devices or cosmetic believed adulterated, misbranded or counterfeit; condemnation; destruction or correction of defect; forfeiture and sale.

Section 26-1-7 - Attorney general or district attorney to institute prosecutions.

Section 26-1-8 - Minor violations of act; warnings authorized.

Section 26-1-9 - Addition of poisonous or deleterious substances; color additives.

Section 26-1-10 - Drug or device adulteration.

Section 26-1-11 - Drug or device; misbranding.

Section 26-1-12 - False advertising.

Section 26-1-13 - Packaging and labeling requirements; proprietary preparations.

Section 26-1-14 - New drugs and devices; prerequisites to sale, delivery or giving away; exceptions.

Section 26-1-15 - Dangerous drugs; veterinary use; limitations.

Section 26-1-16 - Dangerous drugs; conditions for sale; prescription refilling; limitations.

Section 26-1-16.1 - Opioids; requiring practitioners to obtain and review reports from the prescription monitoring program.

Section 26-1-17 - Testing laboratory.

Section 26-1-18 - Promulgating regulations; procedure.

Section 26-1-18.1 - Prescription drug prior authorization protocols.

Section 26-1-19 - Power to make inspections and secure samples.

Section 26-1-20 - Personnel.

Section 26-1-21 - Power of board to publish reports and disseminate information.

Section 26-1-22 - Unlawful means of obtaining dangerous drugs enumerated.

Section 26-1-23 - False statements; false pretenses; forgery of labels or prescriptions prohibited.

Section 26-1-24 - Cosmetics; misbranding.

Section 26-1-25 - Cosmetics; adulteration.

Section 26-1-26 - Penalties.