2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - Militia
Section 20-2-1 - Definitions and principles.

A. "Militia" means all the military forces of this state, organized and unorganized, whether active or inactive; but excludes the regularly organized police forces of the state or its political subdivisions and excludes the civil air patrol division.
B. "National guard" means the New Mexico army national guard and the New Mexico air national guard. The national guard is federally recognized and has a dual state and federal character and mission. When used in Chapter 20 NMSA 1978 national guard shall refer to the national guard of New Mexico unless otherwise stated.
C. "New Mexico state defense force" means that part of the militia of the state which is not federally recognized. It is exclusively a state entity. Its standing cadre is a component of the organized militia; its ranks are filled upon order of the governor from the unorganized militia. When used in Chapter 20 NMSA 1978, state defense force shall refer to the New Mexico state defense force.
History: 1978 Comp., § 20-2-1, enacted by Laws 1987, ch. 318, § 8.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1987, Chapter 318 repealed former 20-2-1 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1925, ch. 113, § 1, relating to the National Defense Act, and enacted a new section, effective April 10, 1987.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 53 Am. Jur. 2d Military, and Civil Defense §§ 28, 29.
6 C.J.S. Armed Services § 288.