2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Townsites
Section 19-4-3 - [Prosecutions for failure to record; duty of district attorneys.]

It is hereby made the duty of the several district attorneys in the state of New Mexico to prosecute all violators of the preceding section [19-4-2 NMSA 1978].
History: Laws 1909, ch. 50, § 3; Code 1915, § 5515; C.S. 1929, § 144-103; 1941 Comp., § 8-503; 1953 Comp., § 7-5-3.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Cross references. — For provision on duties of district attorney, see 36-1-18 NMSA 1978.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 4 - Townsites

Section 19-4-1 - [Patents of townsites to be recorded.]

Section 19-4-2 - [Failure to record townsite patent; penalty.]

Section 19-4-3 - [Prosecutions for failure to record; duty of district attorneys.]

Section 19-4-4 - [Title to townsite vested in probate judge in trust; suit to determine rights; execution of deeds.]

Section 19-4-5 - [Notice of suit; intervention.]

Section 19-4-6 - [Vacating all or part of townsite.]

Section 19-4-7 - [Disposal of lots after entry.]

Section 19-4-8 - [Conveyances to persons entitled to possession or occupancy.]

Section 19-4-9 - [Notice of entry; posting and publication.]

Section 19-4-10 - [Claim for lots; time limit; unclaimed lots revert to town.]

Section 19-4-11 - [Notice of meeting to elect trustees; qualifications; duties.]

Section 19-4-12 - [Term of office of trustees.]

Section 19-4-13 - [Board of appraisers; appointment; oath; refusal to act; new board.]

Section 19-4-14 - [Appraisement; contents; valuations.]

Section 19-4-15 - [Notice of sale; publication; contents.]

Section 19-4-16 - [Conduct of sales.]

Section 19-4-17 - [Conveyance of streets, parks and commons by probate judge.]

Section 19-4-18 - [Purchase at private sale by person in possession.]

Section 19-4-19 - [Reservation for park or public purpose.]

Section 19-4-20 - Disposition of proceeds.

Section 19-4-21 - [Adverse claims; litigation.]

Section 19-4-22 - [Paramount right to lands.]

Section 19-4-23 - [Notice to file suit; service; publication; relinquishment on failure to obey.]

Section 19-4-24 - [Service of process; publication.]

Section 19-4-25 - [Appeals.]

Section 19-4-26 - [Reports of expenses.]

Section 19-4-27 - [Conveyances; payment of costs.]

Section 19-4-28 - [Commissioner; appointment; qualifications; powers; office hours; bond.]

Section 19-4-29 - [Recording of order appointing commissioner.]

Section 19-4-30 - [Conveyance by probate judge; land for town benefit.]

Section 19-4-31 - [Conveyances; time for execution.]

Section 19-4-32 - [Probate judge; claim for lands in individual right.]

Section 19-4-33 - [Streets, alleys, parks and public grounds.]

Section 19-4-34 - [Claimant failing to pay costs and fees.]

Section 19-4-35 - [Trustees; organization; officers; quorum.]

Section 19-4-36 - [Probate judges declared county judges for purpose of trust.]

Section 19-4-37 - [Taxation of costs.]

Section 19-4-38 - [Unsold lots; petition; appraisers.]

Section 19-4-39 - [Appraisement; report; compensation.]

Section 19-4-40 - [Preference right of possessor to purchase.]

Section 19-4-41 - [Commissioner; sale; notice by publication; deeds; fees.]

Section 19-4-42 - [Disposition of proceeds.]