2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Townsites
Section 19-4-14 - [Appraisement; contents; valuations.]

Said appraisers shall appraise all lots or parcels of land, unclaimed or not, conveyed by virtue of any law, in such town, at their just and full cash value, and file their written appraisement, as aforesaid. Said appraisement shall contain a description of each lot or parcel of land so appraised, and a statement of the cash value of each lot and parcel of land so appraised. Said appraisers shall make a separate statement of the value of such lots and parcels of land without improvements, and the aggregate value of both; there shall be attached to such appraisement a written affidavit of said appraisers, verifying each statement of such appraisement, and alleging that each of said lots and parcels of land is appraised at its just and full value. The appraisement shall be required only in cases where the time has expired by prior laws for claimants to file their statements.
History: Laws 1882, ch. 70, § 8; C.L. 1884, § 2782; C.L. 1897, § 3985; Code 1915, § 5526; C.S. 1929, § 144-114; 1941 Comp., § 8-514; 1953 Comp., § 7-5-14.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 4 - Townsites

Section 19-4-1 - [Patents of townsites to be recorded.]

Section 19-4-2 - [Failure to record townsite patent; penalty.]

Section 19-4-3 - [Prosecutions for failure to record; duty of district attorneys.]

Section 19-4-4 - [Title to townsite vested in probate judge in trust; suit to determine rights; execution of deeds.]

Section 19-4-5 - [Notice of suit; intervention.]

Section 19-4-6 - [Vacating all or part of townsite.]

Section 19-4-7 - [Disposal of lots after entry.]

Section 19-4-8 - [Conveyances to persons entitled to possession or occupancy.]

Section 19-4-9 - [Notice of entry; posting and publication.]

Section 19-4-10 - [Claim for lots; time limit; unclaimed lots revert to town.]

Section 19-4-11 - [Notice of meeting to elect trustees; qualifications; duties.]

Section 19-4-12 - [Term of office of trustees.]

Section 19-4-13 - [Board of appraisers; appointment; oath; refusal to act; new board.]

Section 19-4-14 - [Appraisement; contents; valuations.]

Section 19-4-15 - [Notice of sale; publication; contents.]

Section 19-4-16 - [Conduct of sales.]

Section 19-4-17 - [Conveyance of streets, parks and commons by probate judge.]

Section 19-4-18 - [Purchase at private sale by person in possession.]

Section 19-4-19 - [Reservation for park or public purpose.]

Section 19-4-20 - Disposition of proceeds.

Section 19-4-21 - [Adverse claims; litigation.]

Section 19-4-22 - [Paramount right to lands.]

Section 19-4-23 - [Notice to file suit; service; publication; relinquishment on failure to obey.]

Section 19-4-24 - [Service of process; publication.]

Section 19-4-25 - [Appeals.]

Section 19-4-26 - [Reports of expenses.]

Section 19-4-27 - [Conveyances; payment of costs.]

Section 19-4-28 - [Commissioner; appointment; qualifications; powers; office hours; bond.]

Section 19-4-29 - [Recording of order appointing commissioner.]

Section 19-4-30 - [Conveyance by probate judge; land for town benefit.]

Section 19-4-31 - [Conveyances; time for execution.]

Section 19-4-32 - [Probate judge; claim for lands in individual right.]

Section 19-4-33 - [Streets, alleys, parks and public grounds.]

Section 19-4-34 - [Claimant failing to pay costs and fees.]

Section 19-4-35 - [Trustees; organization; officers; quorum.]

Section 19-4-36 - [Probate judges declared county judges for purpose of trust.]

Section 19-4-37 - [Taxation of costs.]

Section 19-4-38 - [Unsold lots; petition; appraisers.]

Section 19-4-39 - [Appraisement; report; compensation.]

Section 19-4-40 - [Preference right of possessor to purchase.]

Section 19-4-41 - [Commissioner; sale; notice by publication; deeds; fees.]

Section 19-4-42 - [Disposition of proceeds.]