2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 10 - Lease of Oil and Gas Lands
Section 19-10-22 - [Validation of existing leases; contest of claims; relinquishment for conversion; terms of new lease; fees.]

All oil and gas leases issued by the commissioner of public lands prior to the effective date of this amendment which have not expired, or which have not been legally canceled for nonperformance by the lessee or assignee, are hereby declared to be valid and existing contracts with the state of New Mexico according to their terms and provisions, and the obligation of the state and of the commissioner to observe and conform to the terms and provisions thereof is hereby recognized. In any case where two or more persons claim a valid lease on the same tract or tracts of land under the provisions of this section, then the rights of the conflicting claimants shall be determined by the commissioner subject to right of appeal from the decision of the commissioner as provided by law.
The legal owner and holder of any lease or leases issued by the commissioner prior to March 12, 1929, if not in default of any of the provisions thereof, may relinquish the same to the state and upon application filed at the time of filing such relinquishment, the commissioner shall issue the applicant a new lease upon the form prescribed by Section 2 of this act. The primary term of the new lease issued pursuant to such relinquishment shall be the unexpired term of the original lease and as long thereafter as oil and gas in paying quantities, or either of them, is produced from the leased premises by the lessee, and the new lease shall provide for the payment of the annual rental prevailing in the district wherein the lands affected are situated, but not less than the rental provided in the original lease. In converting such lease, as herein provided, the commissioner shall prescribe a reasonable filing fee for the filing of the relinquishment and application, and the lessee shall not be required to pay any rental in addition to the rental provided in the lease relinquished for the current year in which the lease is relinquished, except the difference, if any, between the amount of rental provided in the old lease and that to be provided in the new lease. The provisions of Chapter 125 of the 1929 Session Laws [19-10-1, 19-10-12 to 19-10-25 NMSA 1978], and of this act [19-10-1, 19-10-12, 19-10-15 to 19-10-18, 19-10-22 NMSA 1978] relating to sales of leases within a restricted district upon competitive bidding, or by sealed bids, or at public auction, shall not apply to this section.
History: Laws 1929, ch. 125, § 14; C.S. 1929, § 132-414; Laws 1931, ch. 18, § 8; 1941 Comp., § 8-1115; 1953 Comp., § 7-11-16.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Compiler's notes. — Section 2 of this act, referred to in the first sentence of the second paragraph, had been compiled as 19-10-3 NMSA 1978. Section 19-10-3 NMSA 1978 was repealed and reenacted by Laws 1985, ch. 195, § 1.
Time to exercise surrender privilege. — Under this statute, a lease became convertible which gave the lessee privilege to surrender at any time, although it was producing and although it would have been renewable in a few weeks at a rental higher than the statutory lease. Harry Leonard, Inc. v. Vesely, 1934-NMSC-090, 39 N.M. 33, 38 P.2d 1112.
Construction of 1929 act. — The provision in Laws 1929, ch. 125, § 14 (this section prior to its amendment in 1931), that the new lease was to be "issued in lieu of" the lease surrendered, was not sufficient to render the statute ambiguous or to support the contention that the term of the new lease should be merely the unexpired portion of the original term. Atlantic Oil Producing Co. v. Crile, 1930-NMSC-040, 34 N.M. 650, 287 P. 696.
And effect thereof on act of 1925. — Where Laws 1925, ch. 137, § 9, providing for surrender of old leases and issue of new leases, was amended by Laws 1927, ch. 46, § 3, with same provisions, which latter act was repealed by Laws 1929, ch. 125, § 20, which act also provided for surrender of leases issued prior to March 23, 1927, and the issue of new leases, the repeal of the amendatory act, with a substitute, did not revive the original provision. Atlantic Oil Producing Co. v. Crile, 1930-NMSC-040, 34 N.M. 650, 287 P. 696.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 10 - Lease of Oil and Gas Lands

Section 19-10-1 - [Issuance of leases authorized; lands subject; carbon dioxide leases exempted.]

Section 19-10-2 - Definitions.

Section 19-10-3 - Classification of state lands for oil and gas leasing.

Section 19-10-4 - Authorization to lease; lease provisions.

Section 19-10-4.1 - Exploratory form of lease; nonrestricted; regular restricted or premium restricted lands.

Section 19-10-4.2 - Discovery form of lease; regular restricted or premium restricted lands.

Section 19-10-4.3 - Development form of lease; premium restricted land.

Section 19-10-5 - Existing leases; stipulation.

Section 19-10-5.1 - Amendment of lease to lower royalty rate for oil wells under certain conditions.

Section 19-10-6 - Shut-in oil wells; conditions.

Section 19-10-7 - Exploratory form of lease; different term of years.

Section 19-10-8 - [Extension of terms of leases.]

Section 19-10-9 - [Existing leases; stipulation to bring helium gas within terms.]

Section 19-10-10 - Repealed.

Section 19-10-11 - [Statement with royalty payment; inspection of books; state's lien for unpaid royalty; log; specimen of drill cuttings.]

Section 19-10-12 - [New lease or extension where no discovery made; preference right; conditions.]

Section 19-10-13 - [Assignment of leases; procedure; effect.]

Section 19-10-14 - [Application for lease; form; deposit; appraisement.]

Section 19-10-15 - [Rental; limits; first year; rental districts; alteration; maximum size of lease; rent where lease crosses district line.]

Section 19-10-16 - [Restricted districts; method of leasing; added area; notice; rental.]

Section 19-10-17 - Public sale of restricted district leases; time; regulations; notice; minimum bonus; sealed bids or public auction authorized; site of sale; publication of notice; rejection of bids; completion of transaction.

Section 19-10-18 - No bids made; subsequent lease.

Section 19-10-19 - [Withholding lands from lease authorized.]

Section 19-10-20 - [Cancellation of lease for nonpayment or nonperformance of requirements by lessee; notice.]

Section 19-10-21 - [Rules and regulations; amendment; rescission; effective date.]

Section 19-10-22 - [Validation of existing leases; contest of claims; relinquishment for conversion; terms of new lease; fees.]

Section 19-10-23 - Appeal of commissioner's decision.

Section 19-10-24 - [Contesting claims; jurisdiction of district court; appeal and error.]

Section 19-10-25 - [Proof of commissioner's records.]

Section 19-10-26 - [Lands sold with reservation of minerals; lease; bond to protect purchaser; waiver.]

Section 19-10-27 - [Lands sold on deferred payments with reservation of minerals or classified as mineral lands prior to full payment or issuance of patent; limited patent.]

Section 19-10-28 - [Lessee to purchase prior improvements on lands; proof of payment.]

Section 19-10-29 - [Removal of certain improvements on cancellation or forfeiture of lease.]

Section 19-10-30 - [Rules and regulations authorized.]

Section 19-10-31 - [Filing and recording of leases, other instruments and assignments with commissioner; constructive notice; recording in county waived.]

Section 19-10-32 - [Acknowledgments required; commissioner excepted.]

Section 19-10-33 - [Contracts relating to oil and gas rights; filing for record in land office.]

Section 19-10-34 - [System of records; indexing; public inspection.]

Section 19-10-35 - [Tract book system for oil and gas lands.]

Section 19-10-36 - [Rules and regulations; protection of instruments and records.]

Section 19-10-37 - [Filing and recording fees; disposition; expenses payable from maintenance fund.]

Section 19-10-38 - [Repeal and saving clause.]

Section 19-10-39 - [Litigation involving lessee's oil and gas rights on land sold with reservation of oil and gas; suspense account for royalty payments.]

Section 19-10-40 - [Litigants to show right to have royalties placed in suspense fund; determination of amount.]

Section 19-10-41 - [Remitting moneys for oil and gas royalty suspense fund; investment of fund; disposition of investment income.]

Section 19-10-42 - [Distribution of suspense funds after litigation is completed.]

Section 19-10-43 - [Suit by state to determine rights.]

Section 19-10-44 - [Intervention in pending litigation by attorney general.]

Section 19-10-45 - Cooperative agreements for development or operation of oil and gas pools between lessees and others.

Section 19-10-46 - [Cooperative agreements; requisites for approval.]

Section 19-10-47 - [Amendment of leases to conform with cooperative agreements.]

Section 19-10-48 - [Effect of provisions on powers of oil conservation commission and commissioner of public lands.]

Section 19-10-49 - [Validating act.]

Section 19-10-50 - Oil, gas and mineral leases on state park lands.

Section 19-10-51 - Terms and conditions of leases on state park lands; disposition of rentals and royalties.

Section 19-10-52 - [Drainage of state lands by oil or gas wells required to be offset; agreement to compensate state.]

Section 19-10-53 - [State participation in pooling and communitization agreements authorized.]

Section 19-10-54 - [Existing pooling and communitization agreements confirmed and validated; segregation of leases in accordance with prior agreement.]

Section 19-10-55 - [Validation of oil and gas leases.]

Section 19-10-56 - Reports and remittance of state royalty; rules and regulations prescribed by commissioner.

Section 19-10-57 - Rules; regulations; notice; hearing.

Section 19-10-58 - Rules; regulations; record; filing with supreme court librarian.

Section 19-10-59 - Reporting and rendition forms to be adopted by rule or regulation.

Section 19-10-60 - Repealed.

Section 19-10-61 - [Sale or exchange of royalty gas taken in kind.]

Section 19-10-62 - Repealed.

Section 19-10-63 - [Validation of oil and gas leases; 1967 act.]

Section 19-10-64 - [Royalties paid in oil; sale of;] purpose of act.

Section 19-10-65 - Definitions.

Section 19-10-66 - Payment of royalties of the state in oil on demand.

Section 19-10-67 - Sale of state oil royalties; preference; authority of commissioner.

Section 19-10-68 - Application for preference in sale of royalty oil; requirements.

Section 19-10-69 - Grant of preference based upon application.

Section 19-10-70 - Advertising for bids; priority of bidders; award of oil.