2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Commissioner of Public Lands; Disposition of Revenue
Section 19-1-15 - Repealed.

Repeals. — Laws 1989, ch. 11, § 2 repealed 19-1-15 NMSA 1978, as amended by Laws 1977, ch. 247, § 85, relating to erroneous payments on account of leases or sales, effective June 16, 1989.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 1 - Commissioner of Public Lands; Disposition of Revenue

Section 19-1-1 - [Creation of state land office; commissioner of public lands designated executive officer; powers.]

Section 19-1-1.1 - State land trusts advisory board; members; appointment; terms.

Section 19-1-1.2 - State land trusts advisory board; removal of members; vacancies.

Section 19-1-1.3 - State land trusts advisory board; organization; meetings.

Section 19-1-1.4 - State land trusts advisory board; duties.

Section 19-1-2 - Duties of land commissioner.

Section 19-1-2.1 - Confidential information; penalty.

Section 19-1-3 - Delinquent payments; interest.

Section 19-1-4 - [Oath and bond.]

Section 19-1-5 - [Land commission under Enabling Act; members; officers; locating agents.]

Section 19-1-6 - [Assistant commissioner; chief clerk; clerical force.]

Section 19-1-7 - Appointment of employees as clerks to sign documents for commissioner; filing with the secretary of state.

Section 19-1-8 - Filing of official appointment; revocation; bond.

Section 19-1-9 - [Additional assistance to defend contest suits.]

Section 19-1-10 - [Duties and bonds of subordinates; expenses payable from maintenance fund.]

Section 19-1-11 - State lands maintenance fund; created; state lands income; disposition; state trust lands restoration and remediation fund created.

Section 19-1-12 - State land office; expenses; how paid.

Section 19-1-13 - Maintenance fund balance; apportionment.

Section 19-1-14 - [Separate accounts; payment of deficiencies; exception.]

Section 19-1-15 - Repealed.

Section 19-1-16 - [Deposit of money derived from state lands.]

Section 19-1-17 - Permanent, income and current funds; creating deposits.

Section 19-1-18 - Sources of special funds.

Section 19-1-19 - Public buildings at capital, permanent fund; investment.

Section 19-1-20 - Transfers and distributions of funds for schools and institutions.

Section 19-1-21 - Copies of records; fees; use as evidence.

Section 19-1-22 - [Contracts for potash land exploration.]

Section 19-1-23 - [Rules and regulations for land office; posting changes.]

Section 19-1-24 - [Publication of rules and regulations; distribution of copies.]