2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Commissioner of Public Lands; Disposition of Revenue
Section 19-1-1.1 - State land trusts advisory board; members; appointment; terms.

A. The "state land trusts advisory board" is created. The state land trusts advisory board shall consist of seven members appointed by the commissioner of public lands with the advice and consent of the senate. Terms of the initial board shall be structured so that three terms shall expire on December 31, 1990, three terms shall expire on December 31, 1992 and one term shall expire on December 31, 1994; thereafter, commissioners shall be appointed for terms of six years.
B. Members of the board shall, as reasonably as possible, represent a geographical balance from across the state and shall be selected as follows:
(1) two members shall represent the beneficiaries of the state land trusts;
(2) one member shall represent the extractive industries;
(3) one member shall represent the agricultural industries;
(4) one member shall represent conservation interests; and
(5) two members shall represent the public at large.
C. No more than four members of the board shall belong to the same political party.
D. Members of the board shall be reimbursed as provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978]. These expenses shall be paid from the budget of the commissioner of public lands.
History: Laws 1989, ch. 186, ยง 1.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 19 - Public Lands

Article 1 - Commissioner of Public Lands; Disposition of Revenue

Section 19-1-1 - [Creation of state land office; commissioner of public lands designated executive officer; powers.]

Section 19-1-1.1 - State land trusts advisory board; members; appointment; terms.

Section 19-1-1.2 - State land trusts advisory board; removal of members; vacancies.

Section 19-1-1.3 - State land trusts advisory board; organization; meetings.

Section 19-1-1.4 - State land trusts advisory board; duties.

Section 19-1-2 - Duties of land commissioner.

Section 19-1-2.1 - Confidential information; penalty.

Section 19-1-3 - Delinquent payments; interest.

Section 19-1-4 - [Oath and bond.]

Section 19-1-5 - [Land commission under Enabling Act; members; officers; locating agents.]

Section 19-1-6 - [Assistant commissioner; chief clerk; clerical force.]

Section 19-1-7 - Appointment of employees as clerks to sign documents for commissioner; filing with the secretary of state.

Section 19-1-8 - Filing of official appointment; revocation; bond.

Section 19-1-9 - [Additional assistance to defend contest suits.]

Section 19-1-10 - [Duties and bonds of subordinates; expenses payable from maintenance fund.]

Section 19-1-11 - State lands maintenance fund; created; state lands income; disposition; state trust lands restoration and remediation fund created.

Section 19-1-12 - State land office; expenses; how paid.

Section 19-1-13 - Maintenance fund balance; apportionment.

Section 19-1-14 - [Separate accounts; payment of deficiencies; exception.]

Section 19-1-15 - Repealed.

Section 19-1-16 - [Deposit of money derived from state lands.]

Section 19-1-17 - Permanent, income and current funds; creating deposits.

Section 19-1-18 - Sources of special funds.

Section 19-1-19 - Public buildings at capital, permanent fund; investment.

Section 19-1-20 - Transfers and distributions of funds for schools and institutions.

Section 19-1-21 - Copies of records; fees; use as evidence.

Section 19-1-22 - [Contracts for potash land exploration.]

Section 19-1-23 - [Rules and regulations for land office; posting changes.]

Section 19-1-24 - [Publication of rules and regulations; distribution of copies.]