Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - Retirement
Section 9-3-452 - Alienation of Benefits.

9-3-452. Alienation of benefits.
Benefits of a retirement program may not be assigned or alienated and shall be exempt from claims of creditors, except as otherwise provided by state law.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 9 - Administration of the Government

Chapter 3 - Compensation and Benefits

Article 4 - Retirement

Section 9-3-401 - Short Title.

Section 9-3-402 - Definitions.

Section 9-3-403 - Wyoming Retirement System; Establishment; Purpose; Powers as Body Corporate.

Section 9-3-404 - Wyoming Retirement Board; Responsibility for Administration of System; Composition; Appointment; Term; Vacancies; Meetings; Election of Chairman.

Section 9-3-405 - Retirement Board Duties and Powers.

Section 9-3-406 - Retirement Board; Employment and Compensation of Director, Consulting Actuary and Assistants; Director Designated Secretary; Compensation of Members; Quorum; Seal.

Section 9-3-407 - Retirement Board; Control and Management of Account Containing Assets of Retirement System; Payments From Account.

Section 9-3-408 - Designated Custodian of Retirement Account; Disbursements; Investment of Account Monies.

Section 9-3-409 - Retirement Board; Rules and Regulations; Powers and Privileges Required to Perform Functions; Requiring Employers to Furnish Information and Keep Records.

Section 9-3-410 - Retirement Board; Actuarial Investigation and Valuation of System; Annual Valuation of Assets and Liabilities to Be Prepared and Published; Public Record of Proceedings.

Section 9-3-411 - Retirement Board; Right to Hearing Before Board; Judicial Review.

Section 9-3-412 - Members' Contributions; Payroll Deductions; Employer Authorized to Pay Employee's Share.

Section 9-3-413 - Employer's Contributions; Payable Monthly; Transfer to Account; Interest Imposed Upon Delinquent Contributions; Recovery.

Section 9-3-414 - Provision for Employers' Contributions to Be Made in Budgets; Notice to Department Heads.

Section 9-3-415 - When Retirement Permitted; Service Credit.

Section 9-3-416 - Members Leaving Service Without Withdrawing Accumulated Contributions Eligible for Retirement.

Section 9-3-417 - Determination of Eligibility for Retirement; Board to Determine Equivalent of Years of Service; Credit for Military Service.

Section 9-3-418 - Amount of Service Retirement Benefit; Firefighter Members Excluded.

Section 9-3-419 - Retirement Benefit Adjustments.

Section 9-3-420 - Option as to Form of Benefit; Beneficiary Designations.

Section 9-3-421 - Death Benefits; Monthly Benefit Option; Refund of Excess Employee Contributions Plus Interest; Medical Insurance Premiums.

Section 9-3-422 - Disability Retirement; Board Determination; Reports and Examinations; Amount; Options as to Form of Benefit.

Section 9-3-423 - Disability; Medical and Other Examinations, Tests and Evaluations Subsequent to Retirement; Failure to Submit to Examinations, Tests and Evaluations; Restoration to Service; Deduction From Benefit for Excess Earnings.

Section 9-3-424 - Refund of Contributions Upon Termination of Employment; Procedure; Redeposit; Limitation on Refund.

Section 9-3-425 - Right of Members Retired Under Terminated Systems to Retirement Benefits From Account; No Prohibition to Increase Provided in w.s. 9-3-419.

Section 9-3-426 - Benefits, Allowances and Contents of Account Exempt From Taxation and Not Subject to Execution or Attachment; Assignment Limited; Qualified Domestic Relations Order; System Assets.

Section 9-3-427 - Other Retirement Plans Prohibited.

Section 9-3-428 - Construction of Article; Limitation of Liability of State; Termination of System.

Section 9-3-429 - False Statements and Records Prohibited; Right to Modify Article.

Section 9-3-430 - Application for Benefits; Benefit Payment Effective Dates; Minimum Distribution Rules.

Section 9-3-431 - Firefighter Members; Contributions; Benefit Eligibility; Service and Disability Retirement Benefits; Termination of Benefits Upon Failure to Make Timely Contribution Payments.

Section 9-3-432 - Law Enforcement Officers; Contributions; Benefit Eligibility; Service and Disability Benefits; Death Benefits; Benefit Options.

Section 9-3-433 - Short Title.

Section 9-3-434 - Definitions.

Section 9-3-435 - Scope.

Section 9-3-436 - Establishment of Trust.

Section 9-3-437 - Powers of Trustee.

Section 9-3-438 - Delegation of Functions.

Section 9-3-439 - General Duties of Trustee and Fiduciary.

Section 9-3-440 - Duties of Trustee in Investing and Managing Assets of Retirement System.

Section 9-3-441 - Special Application of Duties.

Section 9-3-442 - Reviewing Compliance.

Section 9-3-443 - Liability of Trustee or Other Fiduciary.

Section 9-3-444 - Open Meetings and Records.

Section 9-3-445 - Disclosure to Public.

Section 9-3-446 - Disclosure to Participants and Beneficiaries.

Section 9-3-447 - Reports to Agency.

Section 9-3-448 - Summary Plan Description.

Section 9-3-449 - Annual Disclosure of Financial and Actuarial Status.

Section 9-3-450 - Annual Report.

Section 9-3-451 - Enforcement.

Section 9-3-452 - Alienation of Benefits.

Section 9-3-453 - Public Employee Retirement Plans; Funding; Legislative Findings; Required Determinations for Benefit Increases.

Section 9-3-454 - Required Determinations for Recommended Benefit Increases.