Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Insurance Plans
Section 9-3-206 - Specifications for Insurance Plan; Submission of Bids; Change of Carriers; Notice of Rate Changes or Intent of Carrier Not to Renew; Premium Tax Exemption.

9-3-206. Specifications for insurance plan; submission of bids; change of carriers; notice of rate changes or intent of carrier not to renew; premium tax exemption.
(a) The specifications drawn by the department for the health insurance plan shall include hospital and medical benefits, and comparable benefits for employees who rely solely on spiritual means for healing. The specification drawn by the department for the life insurance plan and any other group insurance plan shall include benefits as determined by the department. Bids shall be submitted to the department within time limits established by the department and, in addition to the carrier's cost proposal, shall include an explanation of the method of claims administration proposed by the carrier and the cost thereof, the amount of total premiums to be retained by the carrier, the purpose for which these retained funds would be allocated, and other information requested by the department.
(b) The department may:
(i) Call for bids and change carriers at its discretion;
(ii) Terminate an existing contract at any time upon sixty (60) days notice in the event of unsatisfactory performance or noncompliance with the terms of the contract by the carrier.
(c) Any carrier under contract with the department shall give the department sixty (60) days notice of any proposed rate change in the contract specifications or intent not to renew the contract. If the department and the carrier agree during the sixty (60) day period to any rate change in the specifications, the department may renew the contract, as changed, without reopening to bids.
(d) If the department decides to change carriers or to reopen bids on the underwriting of any aspect of the group insurance plan, it shall follow the same procedures in the selection of a subsequent carrier as it did in awarding the initial contract.
(e) Any carrier underwriting any portion of the state's group insurance plan is exempt from paying premium taxes under W.S. 26-4-103 on that portion of its business representing premiums collected from the group insurance plan.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 9 - Administration of the Government

Chapter 3 - Compensation and Benefits

Article 2 - Insurance Plans

Section 9-3-201 - Group Prepaid Plans Authorized; Agreements With Insurance Companies Authorized; Limitation on Authorized Plans and Companies; Payroll Deductions; Self-Insurance Programs; Optional School District Participation in Plan.

Section 9-3-202 - Short Title.

Section 9-3-203 - Definitions.

Section 9-3-205 - Administration and Management of Group Insurance Program; Powers and Duties; Adoption of Rules and Regulations; Interfund Borrowing Authority.

Section 9-3-206 - Specifications for Insurance Plan; Submission of Bids; Change of Carriers; Notice of Rate Changes or Intent of Carrier Not to Renew; Premium Tax Exemption.

Section 9-3-207 - Eligibility for Membership in Plan; State Employees; 31 Day Period to Elect Enrollment; New Employees; Later Enrollment.

Section 9-3-208 - State Officials; 31 Day Period to Elect Enrollment; Newly Appointed or Elected Officials; Later Enrollment.

Section 9-3-209 - Dependents; Election of Coverage; Later Election; Change in Number of Dependents; Extended Coverage.

Section 9-3-210 - Amount of State's Contribution; Estimates Submitted to State Budget Officer; Specified Employees Participation in Federal Program; Participating Employers Contributions.

Section 9-3-211 - Deductions From Salaries of Monthly Contributions by Employees and Officials; Establishment of Procedure.

Section 9-3-213 - Treasurer of Monies; Bond; Deposit in an Account of Premium Cost Payments, Dividend Payments and Return of Premiums; Expenditures; Investment of Excess Portions.

Section 9-3-217 - Advisory Panel; Composition; Compensation.

Section 9-3-218 - Retiree Membership in Plan.

Section 9-3-219 - Air Ambulance Transport Services for Employees, Officials and Dependents; Reimbursement; Sunset.