Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - State Archives, Museums and Historical Department
Section 9-2-411 - Records Committee Created; Composition; Expenses; Meetings; Action by Majority Vote; Duties as to Retention and Disposition of Public Records.

9-2-411. Records committee created; composition; expenses; meetings; action by majority vote; duties as to retention and disposition of public records.
The records committee is created to be composed of the director or his deputy, who shall act as chairman and secretary of the committee, the attorney general or his appointee and the director of the state department of audit or his appointee. Committee members shall serve without additional salary, but shall be entitled to traveling expenses incurred incident to committee business. Expenses shall be paid from the appropriations made for operation of their respective departments or offices. The records committee shall meet upon call by the chairman at least once every quarter. Action by the committee shall be by majority vote and records shall be kept of all committee business. When the disposition of records is considered by the records committee, it shall ascertain the recommendations of the head of the department or the departmental records officer. The records committee shall approve, modify or disapprove the recommendations on retention schedules of all public records and act upon requests to destroy any public records. Any modification of a request or recommendation shall be approved by the head of the agency originating the request or recommendation. The department shall provide forms, approved by the records committee, upon which it shall prepare recommendations to the committee in cooperation with the records officer of the department or other agency whose records are involved. The records committee may issue to state departments, agencies and political subdivisions thereof guidelines and best practices on records management and digital preservation.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 9 - Administration of the Government

Chapter 2 - Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Departments Generally

Article 4 - State Archives, Museums and Historical Department

Section 9-2-401 - Definitions.

Section 9-2-404 - Creation of Department; Director; References to Department.

Section 9-2-405 - Classifications of Public Records.

Section 9-2-406 - Director; Management of Public Records.

Section 9-2-407 - Director; Duties Regarding Public Records in His Custody.

Section 9-2-408 - Transfer of Public Records to Archives; Transfer of Records of Uncollectible Accounts Receivable to Department; Duties of Department Thereto.

Section 9-2-409 - Designation of Records Officer by State Departments or Agencies; Duties.

Section 9-2-410 - Records as Property of State; Delivery by Outgoing Officials and Employees to Successors; Management and Disposition Thereof.

Section 9-2-411 - Records Committee Created; Composition; Expenses; Meetings; Action by Majority Vote; Duties as to Retention and Disposition of Public Records.

Section 9-2-412 - Destruction or Disposition of Public Records; Procedure.

Section 9-2-413 - Reproduction of Public Records of Political Subdivisions.

Section 9-2-414 - Department of Commerce; Powers and Duties Relative to Museums, Historical Sites and Parks.

Section 9-2-415 - Director; Duties Relative to Promotion of History of State and Region.

Section 9-2-419 - Marking, Defacing, Removing or Tampering With Certain Materials; Penalty.