Wyoming Statutes
Article 18 - Professional Review Panel
Section 9-2-1808 - Panel Composition; Selection; Disqualification of Panelist; Multiple Defendants.

9-2-1808. Panel composition; selection; disqualification of panelist; multiple defendants.
(a) The panel for each claim reviewed under this act shall consist of two (2) professionals licensed in this state if required by law to be licensed, and three (3) lay persons who are not professionals or an employee of a professional. All panel members shall be residents of this state. If feasible one (1) member of the panel shall be from the professional's profession or specialty. In those cases where the theory of respondeat superior or some other derivative theory of recovery is employed, if feasible one (1) member shall be from the professional's profession or specialty and one (1) member shall be from the profession or specialty of the professional named as employer, master or principal.
(b) Within five (5) days of receipt, the director shall notify the state licensing agency if any, of the professional involved and the governor of the filing of the claim. Within fourteen (14) days of notification, the state licensing agency shall each provide the director a list of twelve (12) of its members as proposed panelists. Within fourteen (14) days of notification, the governor shall also provide the director with a list of twelve (12) people willing and able to serve as panelists. To the extent possible, the state licensing agency shall include on the list persons specializing in the same field or discipline as the professional against whom the claim is made. The director shall select two (2) from each list to serve as panelists and shall notify the parties and the panel members selected of their selection. The four (4) panelists shall unanimously select and appoint one (1) person as the fifth panelist.
(c) At or prior to the hearing, the panel shall select a chairman from among its members. The chairman shall preside over the panel proceedings.
(d) If, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice of selection of panelists, the claimant or the professional against whom the claim is made files an affidavit stating his belief that a panelist selected by the director cannot be impartial in reviewing the claim, the panel member is disqualified, and the director shall select another from the list. Each party may disqualify not more than three (3) panel members under this subsection.
(e) The director may excuse a panelist from serving if the panelist feels his presence on the panel would be inappropriate under the circumstances of the case.
(f) When a claim is filed against two (2) or more professionals, the claim against each professional shall be consolidated for hearing unless by stipulation of all parties or at the discretion of the panel, the claims are heard separately.