7-9-102. Order to pay upon conviction.
In addition to any other punishment prescribed by law the court shall, upon conviction for any misdemeanor or felony, order a defendant to pay restitution to each victim as determined under W.S. 7-9-103 and 7-9-114 unless the court specifically finds that the defendant has no ability to pay and that no reasonable probability exists that the defendant will have an ability to pay.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 9 - Victim Restitution
Section 7-9-101 - Definitions.
Section 7-9-102 - Order to Pay Upon Conviction.
Section 7-9-103 - Determination of Amount Owed; Execution.
Section 7-9-104 - Preparation of Plan; Contents.
Section 7-9-105 - Submission of Plan to Court; Approval or Modification.
Section 7-9-106 - Factors Considered by Probation and Parole Officer, and by Court.
Section 7-9-107 - Notice to Victims.
Section 7-9-108 - Compliance With Plan as Condition of Probation or Suspension; Payments to Clerk.
Section 7-9-109 - Failure to Comply; Modification or Extension of Plan.
Section 7-9-110 - Civil Action.
Section 7-9-111 - Limitations on Duty of Prosecutor; Victim's Remedy.
Section 7-9-112 - Check Fraud.
Section 7-9-113 - Restitution for Long-Term Care.
Section 7-9-114 - Determination of Long-Term Restitution; Time for Order; Enforcement.