Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Prison Labor
Section 7-16-202 - Persons Subject to Required Work.

7-16-202. Persons subject to required work.
(a) All prisoners sentenced to the custody of the department of corrections to serve a term of imprisonment in a state penal institution may be employed within the institution or in any work for the benefit of and use by the state or any of its agencies or political subdivisions.
(b) An inmate of a state penal institution shall be required to perform available hard labor which is suited to the inmate's age, gender, physical and mental condition, strength and attainments in the institution proper, in the industries established in connection with the institution, or at other places as provided in subsection (a) of this section. Substantially equivalent hard labor programs shall be available to both male and female inmates. Inmates performing hard labor at a location other than within or on the grounds of a state penal institution shall be attired in brightly colored uniforms that readily identify them as inmates of state penal institutions. The employment of inmates in hard labor shall not displace employed workers, shall not be applied to skills, crafts or trades in which a local surplus of labor exists, and shall not impair existing contracts for employment or services.
(c) For purposes of this section, "hard labor" means physical or mental labor which is performed for a period of time which shall average, as nearly as possible, forty (40) hours each week, and may include useful and productive work. "Hard labor" may include menial labor, any training necessary to perform any work required, and if possible, work providing an inmate with marketable vocational skills. "Hard labor" does not include labor which is dangerous to an inmate's life or health, is unduly painful or is required to be performed under conditions that would violate occupational safety and health standards applicable to such labor if performed by a person who is not an inmate.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, an inmate who has been determined by the institution administrator to be unsuitable for the performance of hard labor due to the inmate's age, gender, physical or mental condition, strength or security status shall not be required to perform hard labor.
(e) The department of corrections shall adopt rules to implement this section.