Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - County Jail
Section 7-16-101 - Persons Subject to Required Work.

7-16-101. Persons subject to required work.
(a) The sentencing court may require the following persons to perform work pursuant to W.S. 7-16-101 through 7-16-104:
(i) Persons sentenced to a definite term of imprisonment in the county jail, whether or not a fine is imposed as a part of the sentence;
(ii) Persons committed to jail pursuant to W.S. 6-10-105 for refusal to pay a fine or costs; and
(iii) Persons for whom work is imposed as a condition of probation pursuant to W.S. 7-13-304(b).
(b) No person charged with a crime and awaiting the action of the grand jury or awaiting trial shall be required to perform work pursuant to W.S. 7-16-101 through 7-16-104.