Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Property Destruction and Defacement
Section 6-3-204 - Littering; Penalties.

6-3-204. Littering; penalties.
(a) A person is guilty of littering if he places, throws, scatters or deposits garbage, debris, refuse or waste material, objects or substances, including abandoned or junked vehicles, upon the property of another. Operators of motor vehicles are responsible under this section for the disposition or ejection of garbage, debris or other material from the vehicle while the vehicle is being operated on the roads or highways of this state.
(b) This section does not apply to discharges which are regulated, controlled or limited by air, land or water quality laws or regulations.
(c) Littering is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both. Littering, involving the disposal of a container with body fluids along a highway right of way, is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than nine (9) months, a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or both. The court may suspend all or a part of a sentence imposed under this section and require the person convicted of littering to perform up to forty (40) hours of labor in the form of cleaning litter debris from public roads, parks or other public areas or facilities.
(d) In addition to any other peace officer, game and fish law enforcement personnel qualified pursuant to W.S. 9-1-701 through 9-1-707 are authorized to enforce the provisions of this section.