6-2-309. Medical examination of victim; costs; use of report; minors; rights of victims; reimbursement.
(a) A law enforcement agency receiving a report of a sexual assault may, with the victim's consent, arrange for an examination of the victim by a licensed health care provider acting within the scope of the provider's practice. The examination may include a medical examination and treatment, evidence collection and evaluation, and appropriate referrals for follow-up treatment and services. Upon consent of the victim to release of the results of the examination, the evidence, record and reports shall be delivered to the law enforcement agency.
(b) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 77, § 2.
(c) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 130, § 2.
(d) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 77, § 2.
(e) If a report of a sexual assault is received from a minor victim, and the parents or guardian of the minor cannot be located promptly with diligent effort, the examination provided for by subsection (a) of this section may be conducted with the minor's consent. If a report of a sexual assault is received alleging a minor as the victim and a parent or guardian is the suspected perpetrator, the parent or guardian who is the suspected perpetrator shall not be notified pursuant to this section.
(f) Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 77, § 2.
(g) Except as provided by subsection (j) of this section, the costs of any examination relating to the investigation or prosecution of a sexual assault shall be billed to and paid by the victim services division of the office of the attorney general contingent upon available funding. The victim services division shall promulgate any rules necessary to effectuate payments required under this subsection. If victim services division funds are no longer available to meet the purposes of this subsection, the cost of any examination relating to the investigation or prosecution of sexual assault shall be billed to and paid by the investigating law enforcement agency. These examination costs shall include the following:
(i) The cost of gathering evidence; and
(ii) Any other examinations authorized by law enforcement to aid in the investigation and prosecution of the sexual assault.
(h) Except as provided by subsection (j) of this section, any examination costs directly incurred by a sexual assault victim that are not covered by subsection (g) of this section, or other collateral source, shall be submitted to the victim services division within the office of the attorney general for determination of eligibility for payment from the crime victims compensation account established by W.S. 1-40-114. All requests for compensation from the account shall be subject to the eligibility guidelines set forth in the Crime Victims Compensation Act, W.S. 1-40-101 through 1-40-119.
(j) A convicted offender of a sexual assault shall be ordered to reimburse any costs incurred under subsections (g) and (h) of this section and any other costs incurred as a direct result of the sexual assault.
(k) Each victim reporting a sexual assault shall be informed of the rights enumerated in this section, the victim's rights to informed consent and the victim's rights as a victim of crime. The victim shall also be informed of available medical, legal and advocacy services.
(m) The examinations authorized by this section shall remain confidential healthcare information unless the victim or the victim's parent or legal guardian executes a release of medical information for the purpose of prosecution to the county attorney, the state of Wyoming or any relevant court. However, if the report of sexual assault described in subsection (a) of this section results in the filing against any person of a criminal charge, or the filing of a petition alleging a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by an adult, the written report disclosing the results of an examination made pursuant to this section shall be made available to the person charged or his counsel upon demand.
(n) No evidence collected under subsection (a) of this section shall be destroyed until all applicable statutes of limitation have expired or a court orders the destruction.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 2 - Offenses Against the Person
Section 6-2-301 - Definitions.
Section 6-2-302 - Sexual Assault in the First Degree.
Section 6-2-303 - Sexual Assault in the Second Degree.
Section 6-2-304 - Sexual Assault in the Third Degree.
Section 6-2-306 - Penalties for Sexual Assault.
Section 6-2-307 - Evidence of Marriage as Defense.
Section 6-2-308 - Criminality of Conduct; Victim's Age.
Section 6-2-311 - Corroboration Unnecessary.
Section 6-2-313 - Sexual Battery.
Section 6-2-314 - Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the First Degree; Penalties.
Section 6-2-315 - Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Second Degree; Penalties.
Section 6-2-316 - Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Third Degree.
Section 6-2-317 - Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Fourth Degree.
Section 6-2-318 - Soliciting to Engage in Illicit Sexual Relations; Penalty.