6-10-105. Commitment for refusal to pay fine or costs; rate per day.
A person committed to jail for willfully refusing to pay a fine or costs may be imprisoned if the court determines that the defendant has an ability to pay or that a reasonable probability exists that the defendant will have an ability to pay, until the imprisonment, at the rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day, equals the amount of the fine or costs, or the amount shall be paid or secured to be paid when he is discharged.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Section 6-10-101 - "Felony" and "Misdemeanor" Defined.
Section 6-10-104 - Court to Fix Punishment Within Prescribed Limits.
Section 6-10-105 - Commitment for Refusal to Pay Fine or Costs; Rate per Day.
Section 6-10-106 - Rights Lost by Conviction of Felony; Restoration.
Section 6-10-107 - Minimum Term of Imprisonment.