Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - Publication of Decisions
Section 5-2-402 - Distribution of Copies of Reports.

5-2-402. Distribution of copies of reports.
The books delivered to the librarian shall be distributed as provided in this section. One (1) copy of each volume shall upon request be delivered to each justice of the supreme court and to each district judge there shall upon request be delivered as many copies as he has counties in his district. The books shall be retained in the offices of said officials and by them delivered to their respective successors in office. One (1) copy may be furnished to the library of the supreme court of the United States at Washington, one (1) copy to the office of the attorney general of the United States, and one (1) copy to the United States district court for the district of Wyoming. The remaining copies may be used in exchange for the reports of other states and territories and governments as may be determined upon by the justices of the supreme court, and a reasonable number may be kept in the state law library.