5-13-106. Term of chancery court judges.
The terms of chancery court judges shall be six (6) years. Each chancery court judge selected under the provisions of article 5, section 4 of the Wyoming Constitution shall serve for one (1) year after his appointment and until the first Monday in January following the next general election after the expiration of the year. At the general election, he shall stand for retention in office throughout the state as provided in article 5, section 4 of the Wyoming Constitution.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 5-13-101 - Chancery Court Established.
Section 5-13-102 - Chancery Court Fund Account Created; Purposes.
Section 5-13-103 - Number of Judges; Location of Chambers; Concurrent Jurisdiction.
Section 5-13-105 - Name of Court; Presider.
Section 5-13-106 - Term of Chancery Court Judges.
Section 5-13-107 - Judges to Be Nonpartisan; Nomination and Appointment.
Section 5-13-108 - Qualifications for Appointment.
Section 5-13-109 - Temporary Assignment to Fill Vacancies; Appointments to Fill Vacancies in Office.
Section 5-13-110 - Delivery of Official Records and Papers to Successor in Office.
Section 5-13-111 - Jurisdiction of Successor Is Same as That of Predecessor in Office.
Section 5-13-112 - Salaries of Judges; Traveling Expenses.
Section 5-13-114 - Process Extends Throughout State.