2-3-128. Suspension of personal representative's powers for waste; notice to show cause.
When suspension is ordered, the personal representative shall be cited to appear and show cause why his letters should not be revoked. If he fails to appear or if upon appearance the court or officer is satisfied there exists cause for his removal, his letters shall be revoked and letters of administration granted anew as the case may require.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 2 - Wills, Decedents' Estates and Probate Code
Section 2-3-102 - Bond Required; Sureties; Form; Amount; Ascertaining Value of Property.
Section 2-3-103 - Letters and Bonds to Be Recorded.
Section 2-3-104 - Appointment Orders to State Qualification Time; Lapses.
Section 2-3-105 - Additional Bond Required Upon Sale of Real Estate; When Required.
Section 2-3-106 - Additional Bond Required Upon Sale of Real Estate; Conditions.
Section 2-3-107 - Separate Bond Required From Each Personal Representative.
Section 2-3-108 - Several Recoveries on Same Bond Allowed.
Section 2-3-110 - When Sufficient Security Not Given in Time.
Section 2-3-111 - When No Bond Required; Generally.
Section 2-3-112 - When No Bond Required; Suspension of Powers Upon Allegation of Waste.
Section 2-3-113 - Requiring Further Security; Petition.
Section 2-3-114 - Requiring Further Security; Citation to Personal Representative; Service.
Section 2-3-115 - Requiring Further Security; Hearing; Order Therefor or New Bond.
Section 2-3-116 - Requiring Further Security; Failure to Comply.
Section 2-3-117 - Ordering Further Security Without Application.
Section 2-3-118 - Relief of Sureties; Application; Citation and Service.
Section 2-3-119 - Relief of Sureties; Release Order.
Section 2-3-120 - Relief of Sureties; Revocation of Letters.
Section 2-3-121 - Revoking Intestacy Administration if Will Later Allowed; Generally.
Section 2-3-123 - Remaining Personal Representatives to Continue if One Disqualified.
Section 2-3-124 - New Appointment to Be Made if All Personal Representatives Die; Bond; Authority.
Section 2-3-126 - Acts Valid Until Power Revoked.
Section 2-3-127 - Suspension of Personal Representative's Powers for Waste; Order.
Section 2-3-128 - Suspension of Personal Representative's Powers for Waste; Notice to Show Cause.
Section 2-3-130 - Suspension of Personal Representative's Powers for Waste; Notice by Publication.
Section 2-3-132 - Petition for Revocation by Prior Claimant; Generally.
Section 2-3-133 - Petition for Revocation by Prior Claimant; Citation to Personal Representative.
Section 2-3-134 - Petition for Revocation by Prior Claimant; Hearing and Disposition.
Section 2-3-135 - Petition for Revocation by Prior Claimant; Prior Right of Surviving Spouse.
Section 2-3-136 - Hearing Upon Affidavit of Interested Person; Authority to Order.
Section 2-3-137 - Hearing Upon Affidavit of Interested Person; Citation and Service Thereof.
Section 2-3-138 - Hearing Upon Affidavit of Interested Person; Proceedings and Disposition.