Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - In General
Section 15-7-112 - Borrowing and Issuance of Bonds for Airports; Generally.

15-7-112. Borrowing and issuance of bonds for airports; generally.
In addition to all other powers, a city or town may borrow money and issue coupon bonds in an amount not exceeding, at one (1) time, four percent (4%) of the assessed valuation of the city or town to acquire, lease, purchase, equip, develop, improve or enlarge municipal airports, landing fields or other air navigation facilities. The bonds shall be of the denomination of five hundred dollars ($500.00), or multiples thereof, and bear interest at a rate payable semiannually, at the place and in the manner provided by the governing body. The bonds shall be in serial form with last maturity not more than thirty (30) years after the date of issue. The bonds are redeemable at a time designated by the governing body as provided in W.S. 16-5-302.