Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - Annexation; Determination of Boundaries; Addition and Exclusion of Land
Section 15-1-419 - Annexing Contiguous Cities or Towns; Effective Dates; Appeals.

15-1-419. Annexing contiguous cities or towns; effective dates; appeals.
(a) The annexation of any city or town is effective upon the publication date of the annexing city or town's annexation ordinance, unless a different date is specified in the ordinance. Thereafter the city or town to which the annexation is made shall pass ordinances, not inconsistent with law, as will carry into effect the terms and conditions of the annexation. For purposes of taxation, the annexation does not become effective until January 1 next following the effective date of the ordinance, unless an appeal is filed and perfected, in which case the effective date is January 1 next following the court's final decision.
(b) Appeals to the district court and limitations thereon are governed by W.S. 15-1-409 except that any registered and qualified elector as of the date of adoption of the ordinance shall also be able to appeal to the district court.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 15 - Cities and Towns

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article 4 - Annexation; Determination of Boundaries; Addition and Exclusion of Land

Section 15-1-401 - Definitions.

Section 15-1-402 - Annexing Territories; Findings Required; When Contiguity Not Deemed Affected; Annexation Report.

Section 15-1-403 - Annexing Territories; Initiation of Proceedings; by Landowners' Petition; Validity of Signatures; Determinations.

Section 15-1-404 - Annexing Territories; Initiation of Proceedings; by Governing Bodies; Determination.

Section 15-1-405 - Annexing Territories; Public Hearing Required; Notice Thereof.

Section 15-1-406 - Annexing Territories; Annexation Ordinance; Objections; Exception; Prohibition.

Section 15-1-407 - Annexing Territories; When Notice and Public Hearing Not Necessary; Statement Required.

Section 15-1-408 - Annexing Territories; Effective Dates.

Section 15-1-409 - Annexing Territories; Appeal; Determination; Time for Review; Exclusiveness of Appeal Remedy.

Section 15-1-410 - Annexing Territories; Extension of Laws and Rights; Extension of Public Utility Service.

Section 15-1-411 - Incorporation of Territory Within Potential Urban Area.

Section 15-1-412 - When Written Consent of Landowners Required for Annexation; Exception.

Section 15-1-413 - Survey of Boundaries; When and How to Be Made; Presumption Once Recorded.

Section 15-1-414 - Survey of Boundaries; Oath Required; Filing Thereof.

Section 15-1-415 - Additions to Cities or Towns by Subdividing Landowners; Plat Requirements; Filing and Effect Thereof; Controlling Layout of Streets.

Section 15-1-416 - Landowner Petition to Exclude Tract From City or Town; Disposition Thereof; Exclusion of Land for Highway Purposes.

Section 15-1-417 - Annexing Contiguous Cities or Towns; Procedure.

Section 15-1-418 - Annexing Contiguous Cities or Towns; Annexation Ordinance; Filing.

Section 15-1-419 - Annexing Contiguous Cities or Towns; Effective Dates; Appeals.

Section 15-1-420 - Annexing Contiguous Cities or Towns; How Governed; Extension of Laws, Rights and Utilities; Dissolution of Annexed City or Town; Disposition of Assets and Liabilities.

Section 15-1-421 - Municipal De-Annexation.

Section 15-1-422 - Prohibited Acts.

Section 15-1-423 - Municipal Growth Management Agreements.