11-25-201. Pari-mutuel permits; fees and reports; disposition of funds; enforcement of provisions.
(a) The commission may issue pari-mutuel permits for a specified period not to exceed three (3) years from the date of issuance to any Wyoming county, city, incorporated town, county fair board or any corporation or association which has been approved by the board of county commissioners and provides a bond acceptable to the commission. No permit shall be granted to any city, town, county, county fair board or any corporation or association except upon the express condition that it shall not, by any lease, contract, understanding or arrangement of whatever kind or nature, grant, assign or turn over to any person, corporation or association the operation or management of the pari-mutuel event permitted under this act or of the pari-mutuel system of wagering or in any manner permit any person, corporation or association to retain any of the money received for admission to the race meeting or from the operations of the pari-mutuel system. The commission shall revoke the permit of any permittee for any violation of the foregoing condition and such acts are a violation of this act. The permit is effective only for the times and at the places for which issued. In addition to all other fees and charges, there shall be charged before issuance of a permit a daily fee established by the commission to defray expenses of enforcing this act.
(b) Every Wednesday following any pari-mutuel event, the permittee shall:
(i) File a report with the commission showing the total amount of money wagered during the period;
(ii) Pay an amount equal to one-quarter percent (1/4%) of the total amount wagered attributable to historic pari-mutuel events and one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) of the total amount wagered attributable to live pari-mutuel events, shown by the report to the commission, to be credited by the state treasurer to a separate account, in the manner indicated in subsection (d) of this section;
(iii) Pay an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the total amount wagered attributable to historic pari-mutuel events, shown by the report to the commission, to be transferred by the commission to the county and the city or town in which the permittee is located, in equal shares, or to the county alone if the permittee is not located within the boundaries of a city or town. The county, city or town receiving an amount under this paragraph may credit that amount to the state fair account upon a majority vote of the county's, city's or town's governing body; and
(iv) Pay an amount equal to one-quarter percent (1/4%) of the total amount wagered attributable to historic pari-mutuel events, shown by the report to the commission, to be credited to the legislative stabilization reserve account.
(c) The permittee may retain an amount equal to nineteen and four-tenths percent (19.40%) of the total amount wagered shown by the report and may retain up to an additional five percent (5%) of the amount wagered on multiple or exotic wagers. The permittee shall retain the breakage on not more than ten cents ($.10) and retain unclaimed tickets not claimed within one (1) year following the event for the expenses of the race meet and purses and for the promotion of the racing industry.
(d) All sums paid to the commission under this act except contributions from permittees to the breeder award fund, amounts paid under paragraphs (b)(iii) and (iv) of this section, fines and penalties shall be credited to the pari-mutuel account which shall be used by the commission for the payment of all expenses incurred in enforcing this act. On a quarterly basis, the commission shall transfer amounts within the account in excess of one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) to the state treasurer for credit to the legislative stabilization reserve account. All fines and penalties collected under this act shall be paid to the state treasurer and credited as provided in W.S. 8-1-109. The state treasurer shall pay out of the account all warrants drawn by the state auditor, upon vouchers issued and signed by the president, vice-president or executive secretary of the commission. The commission shall keep an accurate and true account of all funds received and all vouchers issued by the commission. All funds received and all vouchers issued by the commission shall be audited at least biennially by the director of the state department of audit or his designee and a copy of the audit shall be delivered within thirty (30) days after completion to the governor and the commission. The costs of the audit shall be borne by the commission. The members of the commission shall receive per diem and mileage as provided in W.S. 33-1-302(a)(vii), and compensation of fifty dollars ($50.00) for each day during which they are actually engaged in the discharge of their duties. The total expenses incurred by the commission shall not exceed the total amount in the pari-mutuel account.
(e) Applications for permits shall be made to the commission and shall fully identify the applicant, include a proper financial statement showing the financial responsibility of the applicant, show the purpose and use of the permit and describe the events to be conducted and the arrangements therefor, the manner of wagering and the names and identification of those to supervise the manner of wagering and the controls and supervision by the permittee.
(f) The commission may issue, amend or refuse to issue permits in its discretion.
(g) The rules of racing set forth by the commission shall be made available to all participants of each event, and violations shall be misdemeanors punishable as provided herein.
(h) The commission shall observe and supervise the conduct of pari-mutuel wagering under permits issued by the commission and shall appoint one (1) of its members or employ one (1) or more persons to represent the commission in the administration and enforcement of this act and in the supervision of the conduct of pari-mutuel wagering and the events in connection therewith under each permit issued. Representatives of the commission shall have access to the events and to the pari-mutuel booths and records and shall be paid an amount determined by the commission plus expenses and mileage as fixed by law for state officers, payment therefor to be made by the state auditor.
(j) As a condition of receiving a pari-mutuel permit, the permittee shall agree to and shall contribute to the breeder award fund administered by the commission an amount equal to four-tenths of one percent (0.40%) of the total handle wagered during the pari-mutuel event and an additional sum equal to twenty percent (20%) of the additional amount retained pursuant to subsection (c) of this section on multiple or exotic wagers. The contribution shall be derived from the net proceeds of the race meet revenues, other than the permittee's share of the pari-mutuel wagering handle. Contributions shall be used only for breeder awards.
(k) The commission may authorize advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering at any premise where a pari-mutuel event is authorized, provided that the licensee shall:
(i) Only accept an advance deposit pari-mutuel wager made by the person owning the account;
(ii) Ensure the identification of the account owner by using methods and technologies approved by the commission;
(iii) Provide a full accounting and verification of the sources of wagers at the request of, and in the form provided by, the commission;
(iv) Allow the commission and agents of the commission access to its premises to determine that the rules and regulations are being followed;
(v) Not allow minors to open, own or have access to advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering accounts;
(vi) Include a statement in all forms of advertising for advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering accounts that "minors are not allowed to open or have access to advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering accounts."
(m) The commission may license, regulate and charge a source market fee to persons outside of Wyoming who conduct pari-mutuel wagering on simulcast races and who accept wagers from Wyoming residents at out-of-state simulcast facilities, and shall require out-of-state simulcast facilities licensed under this section to be maintained and operated in accordance with the laws of this state and rules of the commission. Source market fees imposed on persons licensed under this subsection shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the gross receipts of all pari-mutuel wagering by Wyoming residents conducted by such persons at out-of-state simulcast facilities. Source market fees collected annually under this subsection shall be distributed as follows:
(i) Seventy-five percent (75%) to the live flat track permittees in this state on a number of live days basis, to be used to enhance purses at those tracks;
(ii) Ten percent (10%) to in-state Wyoming simulcast permittees, weighted by the annual simulcast handle other than the advanced deposit wagering handle;
(iii) Ten percent (10%) to the breeder award fund created under subsection (j) of this section; and
(iv) Five percent (5%) to the commission for administrative expenses.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 25 - Wyoming Gaming Commission
Article 2 - Pari-Mutuel Wagering
Section 11-25-202 - Qualifications as to Horses; Preference to Wyoming Bred Horses.
Section 11-25-204 - Stimulation or Retardation of Animals Prohibited; Tests.
Section 11-25-205 - Bribery, Touting and Betting by Minors Prohibited.
Section 11-25-206 - County Elections as to Pari-Mutuel Events.
Section 11-25-207 - Bond of Permittees; Required; Conditions; Prosecution of Actions.
Section 11-25-208 - Penalties.
Section 11-25-209 - Removal of Livestock From Quarters at County or State Fairs.