11-25-104. Gaming commission; officers; director; meetings; quorum; records; licenses generally; effect of financial interest in events.
(a) The commission shall annually elect from its membership a president and vice-president, and may employ a director who has a working knowledge of pari-mutuel betting, horse racing and other forms of gaming regulated by the commission or an executive secretary, or both. The director may be retained on a yearly basis or for the racing season only as determined by the commission. Salary for the director or executive secretary shall be determined by the commission with the consent of the personnel division. The commission may also employ other personnel required to carry out this act.
(b) The commission shall hold an annual fall meeting in Wyoming and shall hold special meetings at such times and places within Wyoming as the majority of the members determine. A majority of the commission constitutes a quorum and a majority vote of a quorum may act for the commission. The secretary of the commission shall keep a record of the proceedings of the commission which is open at all times for public inspection. Legislative liaisons shall be considered members of the governing body of the commission for purposes of attending executive sessions held pursuant to W.S. 16-4-405(a) only.
(c) Any member of the commission who has a personal or private interest in any matter proposed or pending before the commission shall publicly disclose this fact to the commission and shall not vote on the matter.
(d) Any member of the commission who owns or has any interest, or whose spouse or member of his immediate family has any interest, in any activity regulated by the commission or in an animal participating in a pari-mutuel event shall disclose that interest and shall not participate in any commission decision involving a protest regarding that activity or occurring at that pari-mutuel event.
(e) The commission may authorize by license or permit and supervise all the conduct of all events provided for and regulated by this act. The commission may make reasonable rules for the control, supervision and direction of applicants, permittees and licensees. The rules shall include procedures for resolving scheduling conflicts and settling disputes between permittees, for the supervising, disciplining, suspending, fining and barring from pari-mutuel events of all persons required to be licensed or permitted by this act, and for the holding, conducting and operating of all pari-mutuel events pursuant to this act. The commission may require that license applicants be fingerprinted for identification purposes as a condition of licensing. The commission shall announce the place, time and duration of pari-mutuel events for which license or permit fees shall be required and establish reasonable fees for all licenses and permits provided for by this act. The fees shall be established to ensure that the costs of administering this act are recovered through the total revenues received under this act. The commission shall establish security access safeguards for licensees to use for advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering. The commission shall prohibit advance deposit pari-mutuel advertising that it determines to be deceptive to the public.
(f) Each permittee, participant and employee of a permittee or participant who is directly involved in the horse racing or pari-mutuel wagering activities of the permittee or participant, as defined in commission rule and regulation, shall be licensed by the commission and shall comply with all rules and regulations and all orders issued by the commission. No person shall hold any event with pari-mutuel wagering without obtaining a permit.
(g) The commission may delegate authority to enforce rules of the commission and this act to three (3) stewards at each pari-mutuel event, at least one (1) of whom shall be an employee of and selected by the commission. The commission shall require at least one (1) steward to supervise each simulcast location that is approved by the commission. Stewards shall exercise such reasonable and necessary authority as is designated by rules of the commission including the following:
(i) Enforce rules of the commission and this act;
(ii) Rule on the outcome of events;
(iii) Levy fines not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for violations of rules of the commission. Violations shall be reported daily and fines paid to the commission within forty-eight (48) hours of imposition and notice;
(iv) Suspend licenses not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days for violations of rules of the commission. Suspensions shall be reported to the commission daily;
(v) Recommend the commission impose fines or suspensions greater than permitted by paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of this subsection.
(h) Only a licensed steward of the permitted event may impose fines or license suspensions except that a starter may impose fines when horses arrive at the gate until off time in an amount not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00).
(j) Any fine or license suspension imposed by a steward or fine imposed by a starter may be appealed in writing to the commission within five (5) days after its imposition. The commission may affirm or reverse the decision of a steward or starter or may increase or decrease any fine or suspension. A fine imposed by the commission shall not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Suspensions of a license may be for any period of time, but shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense.
(k) The commission shall access criminal history record information for all operators and vendors under chapter 3 of this article and all licensees, permittees and employees of the commission under W.S. 9-1-627(d) for the purposes of this act. Every applicant for a permit or license under this act shall provide the commission fingerprints and other information necessary for a criminal history record background check as provided under W.S. 7-19-201.
(m) The commission shall establish the number of actual live horse racing or pari-mutuel event days required to qualify for a simulcasting permit. The commission shall adopt rules governing establishment of live horse racing or pari-mutuel event days required for a simulcasting permit in a manner that ensures fair and equitable involvement of all affected parties, including consideration of the economic viability of those days to permit applicants.
(n) Commencing July 1, 2020, any person conducting an activity as specified by W.S. 6-7-101(a)(iii)(D) or (F) shall first obtain a license from the commission. Under this subsection, the commission shall not charge license applicants any fee and shall not require any fee for any license issued. Any person required to be licensed under this subsection shall file an annual report with the commission as specified by rule.
(o) In addition to all other duties, the commission, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, shall:
(i) Enforce W.S. 6-7-101 through 6-7-104;
(ii) Regulate online sports wagering and sports wagering operators and vendors under W.S. 9-24-101 through 9-24-106.