Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 24 - Estrays
Section 11-24-102 - Taking Up Estrays; Generally.

11-24-102. Taking up estrays; generally.
(a) No person shall take up and retain possession of an estray except in the county where he resides and is a freeholder, nor unless the animal is found on lands owned, leased, or controlled by him or his duly authorized agents. When any person takes up an estray he shall immediately notify an inspector who shall inspect or cause to be inspected the estray for brands and other evidence of ownership and make a diligent effort to learn or determine ownership of the animal. The inspector may cause any estray to be held for not more than ten (10) days after the inspection to enable him to complete his investigation of ownership. If the estray is claimed by an owner, the bill for feed and care incurred by the inspector must be paid by the claimant. If the rightful owner cannot be found, or when found, refuses or fails to pay the charges for feed and care of the estray, the inspector shall order the estray be disposed of. Incurred charges for feed and care by the inspector and reasonable shipping and disposal expense shall be paid from the proceeds of the disposal. The net proceeds, if any, received from the disposal of the estray after deduction of authorized expenses, shall be forwarded to the estray fund of the board or its agency. The board or agency shall hold the proceeds in a special fund known as estray fund until paid to the rightful owner of the estray or otherwise disposed of according to law.
(b) If the proceeds of the disposal of any estray are insufficient to pay all legitimate expenses, the deficiency shall be paid by the board or its agency.
(c) The board may enter into agreements with licensed meat processing plants to process meat from livestock disposed of by slaughter. The processed meat shall be sold to:
(i) Wyoming state institutions or to nonprofit organizations for no more than the board's cost for disposal, processing and delivery; or
(ii) For profit entities at market cost for the processed meat.