Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 14 - Fertilizer
Section 11-14-107 - Sampling of Fertilizer, Soil Amendment or Soil Conditioner.

11-14-107. Sampling of fertilizer, soil amendment or soil conditioner.
(a) The director or his designee shall sample, inspect, make analyses of and test commercial fertilizers, soil conditioners and soil amendments distributed within this state at any time and place and to the extent he deems necessary to determine whether they are in compliance with this act. The director or his designee may enter upon any premises or carriers during regular business hours to have access to commercial fertilizers, soil amendments or soil conditioners subject to the provisions of this act and to the records relating to their distribution.
(b) The methods of sampling analysis shall be those adopted by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). In cases not covered by such methods, or in cases where methods are available in which improved applicability has been demonstrated, the department may adopt such appropriate methods from other sources.
(c) The department in determining whether any commercial fertilizer is deficient in plant food shall be guided solely by the official sample obtained and analyzed as provided for in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Official samples establishing a penalty for nutrient deficiency shall be retained for a minimum of ninety (90) days from issuance of a deficiency report. A deficiency in an official sample of mixed fertilizer resulting from nonuniformity is not distinguishable from a deficiency due to actual plant nutrient shortage and is properly subject to official action.
(e) For purposes of this act, the results of official analysis shall be final, unless it is determined by the director that a resample is warranted. Should a distributor or registrant request a resample of a fertilizer based upon the director's findings of a deficiency, all costs associated with the resampling and analysis shall be borne by the distributor or registrant. If results of the resampling establish the results of first analysis were invalid, the department shall bear the costs associated with the resampling.