Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 31 - Quo Warranto
Section 1-31-125 - Injunction in Aid of Proceedings Against Banking Associations; Security Required of Bank Directors.

1-31-125. Injunction in aid of proceedings against banking associations; security required of bank directors.
The court may, upon satisfactory proof that the directors or trustees of a corporation have violated or are about to violate any of the franchises thereof, require them to give security to the stockholders satisfactory to the court for the proper discharge of their duties, and for the proper management and security of the assets. The court may enjoin the directors or trustees from paying out or issuing the notes of circulation of the bank and from incurring any additional liabilities, except for the payment of the necessary services of the officers and employees of the banking association, the amount of which while the proceedings are pending shall be under the control of the court.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 1 - Code of Civil Procedure

Chapter 31 - Quo Warranto

Section 1-31-101 - Actions Against Persons.

Section 1-31-102 - Actions Against Corporations.

Section 1-31-103 - Commencement of Action.

Section 1-31-104 - Upon Whose Relation Action Brought; Security for Costs.

Section 1-31-105 - Action by Person Claiming Public Office; Security for Costs.

Section 1-31-106 - Appointment of Attorney When County Attorney Disabled.

Section 1-31-107 - Petition in Action for Usurpation of Office.

Section 1-31-108 - All Claimants May Be Made Defendants.

Section 1-31-109 - Place of Bringing Action.

Section 1-31-110 - Issuance and Service of Summons.

Section 1-31-111 - Service by Publication.

Section 1-31-112 - Judgment in Case of Usurpation.

Section 1-31-113 - Judgment Ousting Trustee or Director of Corporation.

Section 1-31-114 - Judgment Ousting Trustee or Director of Corporation; Order for New Election of Trustee; Service.

Section 1-31-115 - Rights of Persons Adjudged Entitled to Office; Generally; to Take Oath and Execute Bond; Taking Over Office; Demanding Books and Papers.

Section 1-31-116 - Rights of Persons Adjudged Entitled to Office; Action for Damages Against Person Ousted; Limitation on Time of Action.

Section 1-31-117 - Rights of Persons Adjudged Entitled to Office; Person Refusing to Deliver Books or Papers Deemed Guilty of Contempt; Penalty.

Section 1-31-118 - Judgment Against Corporations; Corporation to Be Ousted and Dissolved.

Section 1-31-119 - Judgment Against Corporations; Appointment of Trustees When Corporation Dissolved; Bond Required; Powers Generally.

Section 1-31-120 - Judgment Against Corporations; Duties and Powers of Trustees.

Section 1-31-121 - Judgment Against Corporations; Penalty for Failure to Deliver Items to Trustees; Enforcement of Delivery; Liability to Trustees.

Section 1-31-122 - Judgment for Costs.

Section 1-31-123 - Order Directing Transfer of Books and Papers; Enforcement by Fine or Imprisonment.

Section 1-31-124 - Injunction in Aid of Proceedings Against Banking Associations.

Section 1-31-125 - Injunction in Aid of Proceedings Against Banking Associations; Security Required of Bank Directors.

Section 1-31-126 - Injunction Against Aid of Proceedings Against Banking Associations; Directors May Be Enjoined From Borrowing Money.

Section 1-31-127 - Limitation Upon Time of Bringing Action Against Corporations or Officer.

Section 1-31-128 - Actions Against Officers of Ousted Corporations; Limitation Upon Time.

Section 1-31-129 - Provisions to Be Cumulative.

Section 1-31-130 - Precedence of Actions; Speedy Trial.