1-18-101. Sale to be at public vendue; hours of sale; notice required; mortgagee, judgment creditor or lienor must be present or waive; penalty.
(a) No lands or tenements shall be sold by virtue of any execution or decree of foreclosure unless:
(i) The sale is by public vendue between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. of the same day;
(ii) The time and place of holding the sale was previously advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the county where the lands and tenements are situate; and
(iii) The foreclosing mortgagee, judgment creditor, other foreclosing lienor or an authorized agent of the foreclosing party is present at the sale or has previously waived to the sheriff conducting the sale the right to appear and bid at the sale. The sheriff conducting the sale shall not be considered to be the authorized agent of the foreclosing party unless the foreclosing party has given the sheriff a specified opening bid to be presented by the sheriff on behalf of the foreclosing party and the sheriff actually presents the opening bid. Any foreclosure sale conducted without complying with the terms of this section is void, in which case the mortgage, power of sale, judgment or other lien which is the subject of the voided sale is not extinguished or exhausted, but may be properly foreclosed in a subsequent foreclosure sale in compliance with applicable law.
(b) The notice shall state the names of the plaintiff and defendant in the action, and the time and place of sale. In all notices the lands or tenements to be sold shall be described with reasonable certainty by appropriate description. The notice shall state "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid." If any officer sells any lands or tenements by virtue of any execution or decree, otherwise than as provided, the officer so offending shall forfeit and pay five hundred dollars ($500.00) for every offense, to be recovered with costs in any court of record in this state by the person whose lands were advertised and sold.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 1 - Code of Civil Procedure
Chapter 18 - Sale and Redemption of Realty Sold Under Mortgage or Execution
Section 1-18-105 - Redemption of Whole or Portion Permitted.
Section 1-18-106 - Certificate of Redemption; Recordation; Fee.
Section 1-18-107 - Commission of Officers.
Section 1-18-108 - Assignment of Certificate of Purchase.
Section 1-18-109 - Contents of Deed; Form.
Section 1-18-110 - Effect of Deed.
Section 1-18-111 - Sale on Foreclosure of Mortgage; Generally.
Section 1-18-112 - Sale on Foreclosure of Mortgage; Property in More Than Single County.
Section 1-18-113 - Payment of Proceeds.