Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 91 - Farmland preservation.
91.03 - Intergovernmental cooperation.

91.03 Intergovernmental cooperation. State agencies shall cooperate with the department in the administration of this chapter and in other matters related to the preservation of farmland in this state. State agencies shall, to the extent feasible, cooperate in sharing and standardizing relevant information, identifying and mapping significant agricultural resources, and planning and evaluating the impact of state actions on agriculture.
History: 2009 a. 28.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 91 - Farmland preservation.

91.01 - Definitions.

91.02 - Rule making.

91.03 - Intergovernmental cooperation.

91.04 - Department to report.

91.10 - County plan required; planning grants.

91.12 - Certified plan.

91.14 - Expiration of plan certification.

91.16 - Certification of plan by the department.

91.18 - Requirements for certification of plan.

91.20 - Applying for certification of plan.

91.30 - Authority to adopt.

91.32 - Certified ordinance.

91.34 - Expiration of zoning certification.

91.36 - Certification of zoning ordinance by the department.

91.38 - Requirements for certification of ordinance.

91.40 - Applying for certification of ordinance.

91.42 - Land use in farmland preservation zoning districts; general.

91.44 - Permitted uses.

91.46 - Conditional uses.

91.48 - Rezoning of land out of a farmland preservation zoning district.

91.50 - Exemption from special assessments.

91.60 - Farmland preservation agreements; general.

91.62 - Farmland preservation agreements; requirements.

91.64 - Applying for a farmland preservation agreement.

91.66 - Terminating a farmland preservation agreement.

91.68 - Violations of farmland preservation agreements.

91.70 - Farmland preservation agreements; exemption from special assessments.

91.80 - Soil and water conservation by persons claiming tax credits.

91.82 - Compliance monitoring.

91.84 - Agricultural enterprise areas; general.

91.86 - Agricultural enterprise area; petition.