Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 895 - Damages, liability, and miscellaneous provisions regarding actions in courts.
895.046 - Remedies against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products.

895.046 Remedies against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products.
(1g) Legislative findings and intent. The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to clarify product liability law, generally, and the application of the risk contribution theory of liability first announced by the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Collins v. Eli Lilly Company, 116 Wis. 2d 166 (1984), specifically, in order to return tort law to its historical, common law roots. This return both protects the rights of citizens to pursue legitimate and timely claims of injury resulting from defective products, and assures that businesses may conduct activities in this state without fear of being sued for indefinite claims of harm from products which businesses may never have manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted, or which were made and sold decades ago. The legislature finds that the application of risk contribution to former white lead carbonate manufacturers in Thomas v. Mallett, 285 Wis. 2d 236 (2005), was an improperly expansive application of the risk contribution theory of liability announced in Collins, and that application raised substantial questions of deprivation of due process, equal protection, and right to jury trial under the federal and Wisconsin constitutions. The legislature finds that this section protects the right to a remedy found in article I, section 9, of the Wisconsin Constitution, by preserving the narrow and limited application of the risk contribution theory of liability announced in Collins.
(1r) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Claimant" means a person seeking damages or other relief for injury or harm to a person or property caused by or arising from a product, or a person on whose behalf a claim for such damages or other relief is asserted.
(b) “Relevant production period" means the time period during which the specific product that allegedly caused a claimant's injury or harm was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted.
(2) Applicability. This section applies to all actions in law or equity, whenever filed or accrued, in which a claimant alleges that the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product is liable for an injury or harm to a person or property, including actions based on allegations that the design, manufacture, distribution, sale, or promotion of, or instructions or warnings about, a product caused or contributed to a personal injury or harm to a person or property, a private nuisance, or a public nuisance, and to all related or independent claims, including unjust enrichment, restitution, or indemnification.
(3) Remedy with specific product identification. Except as provided in sub. (4), the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product may be held liable in an action under sub. (2) only if the claimant proves, in addition to any other elements required to prove his or her claim, that the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted the specific product alleged to have caused the claimant's injury or harm.
(4) Remedy without specific product identification. Subject to sub. (5), if a claimant cannot meet the burden of proof under sub. (3), the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product may be held liable for an action under sub. (2) only if all of the following apply:
(a) The claimant proves all of the following:
1. That no other lawful process exists for the claimant to seek any redress from any other person for the injury or harm.
2. That the claimant has suffered an injury or harm that can be caused only by a manufactured product chemically and physically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant's injury or harm.
3. That the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted a complete integrated product, in the form used by the claimant or to which the claimant was exposed, and that meets all of the following criteria:
a. Is chemically and physically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant's injury or harm.
b. Was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted in the geographic market where the injury or harm is alleged to have occurred during the time period in which the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant's injury or harm was manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted.
c. Was distributed or sold without labeling or any distinctive characteristic that identified the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter.
(b) The action names, as defendants, those manufacturers of a product who collectively manufactured at least 80 percent of all products sold in this state during the relevant production period by all manufacturers of the product in existence during the relevant production period that are chemically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant's injury or harm.
(5) Limitation on liability. No manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product is liable under sub. (4) if more than 25 years have passed between the date that the manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product last manufactured, distributed, sold, or promoted the specific product chemically identical to the specific product that allegedly caused the claimant's injury and the date that the claimant's cause of action accrued.
(6) Apportionment of liability. If more than one manufacturer, distributor, seller, or promoter of a product is found liable for the claimant's injury or harm under subs. (4) and (5), the court shall apportion liability among those manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters, but that liability shall be several and not joint.
History: 2011 a. 2; 2013 a. 20; s. 35.17 correction in (1g).
Article I, section 1, of the Wisconsin Constitution prohibits retroactive application of this section. Wisconsin Supreme Court precedent demands holding that this section violates state due-process principles by trying to extinguish the plaintiff's vested right in his negligence and strict-liability causes of action. Gibson v. American Cyanamid Co., 760 F.3d 600 (2014).
Wisconsin Is Open for Business or Business Just as Usual? The Practical Effects and Implications of 2011 Wisconsin Act 2. Irgens. 2012 WLR 1245.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 895 - Damages, liability, and miscellaneous provisions regarding actions in courts.

895.01 - What actions survive; actions not to abate.

895.02 - Measure of damages against personal representative.

895.03 - Recovery for death by wrongful act.

895.031 - Recovery from estate of wrongdoer.

895.035 - Parental liability for acts of minor child.

895.037 - Abortions on or for a minor without parental consent or judicial waiver.

895.038 - Partial-birth abortions; liability.

895.04 - Plaintiff in wrongful death action.

895.043 - Punitive damages.

895.044 - Damages for maintaining certain claims and counterclaims.

895.045 - Contributory negligence.

895.046 - Remedies against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of products.

895.047 - Product liability.

895.048 - Recovery by auto or motorboat owner limited.

895.049 - Recovery by a person who fails to use protective headgear while operating certain motor vehicles.

895.05 - Damages in actions for libel.

895.052 - Defamation by radio and television.

895.055 - Gaming contracts void.

895.056 - Recovery of money wagered.

895.057 - Action against judicial officer for loss caused by misconduct.

895.06 - Recovery of divisible personalty.

895.065 - Radioactive waste emergencies.

895.07 - Claims against contractors and suppliers.

895.08 - Sport shooting ranges; actions related to safety.

895.09 - Scrap metal or plastic bulk merchandise container theft; civil liability.

895.10 - Tort actions in residential real estate transactions.

895.14 - Tenders of money and property.

895.28 - Remedies not merged.

895.33 - Limitation of surety's liability.

895.34 - Renewal of sureties upon becoming insufficient and effects thereof.

895.345 - Justification of individual sureties.

895.346 - Bail, deposit in lieu of bond.

895.35 - Expenses in actions against municipal and other officers.

895.36 - Process against corporation or limited liability company officer.

895.37 - Abrogation of defenses in employee personal injury actions.

895.375 - Abrogation of defense that contract was champertous.

895.42 - Deposit of undistributed money and property by personal representatives and others.

895.43 - Intentional killing by beneficiary of contract.

895.435 - Intentional killing by beneficiary of certain death benefits.

895.441 - Sexual exploitation by a therapist; action for.

895.442 - Sexual exploitation by a member of the clergy; action for.

895.443 - Physical injury, emotional distress, loss or damage suffered by members of certain groups; action for.

895.444 - Injury caused by criminal gang activity; action for.

895.445 - Damage to certain machines; action for.

895.446 - Property damage or loss caused by crime; action for.

895.447 - Certain agreements to limit or eliminate tort liability void.

895.448 - Safety devices on farm equipment, ordinary negligence.

895.449 - Action for loss caused by failure to pay for gasoline or diesel fuel.

895.45 - Service representatives for adult abusive conduct complainants.

895.453 - Payments of chiropractic services from attorney contingency fees.

895.455 - Limits on recovery by prisoners.

895.457 - Limiting felon's right to damages.

895.46 - State and political subdivisions thereof to pay judgments taken against officers.

895.463 - Zoning ordinances.

895.47 - Indemnification of the Wisconsin State Agencies Building Corporation and the Wisconsin State Public Building Corporation.

895.472 - Indemnification of a financial institution.

895.475 - Exemption from civil liability for furnishing safety inspection or advisory services.

895.476 - Civil liability exemption; exposure to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19.

895.478 - Civil liability exemption; opioid antagonists.

895.48 - Civil liability exemption; emergency medical care.

895.4801 - Immunity for health care providers during COVID-19 emergency.

895.4802 - Civil liability exemption; hazardous materials.

895.4803 - Civil liability exemption; information concerning paternity.

895.481 - Civil liability exemption; equine activities.

895.482 - Civil liability exemption; ski patrol members.

895.483 - Civil liability exemption; regional and local emergency response teams and their sponsoring agencies.

895.484 - Civil liability exemption; entering a vehicle to render assistance.

895.485 - Civil liability exemption; out-of-home care providers and child-placing agencies.

895.486 - Civil immunity exemption; reports of insurance fraud.

895.487 - Civil liability exemption; employment references.

895.488 - Civil liability exemption; owner or person in lawful possession of the premises.

895.489 - Civil liability exemption; tenancy references.

895.492 - Civil liability exemption; certificate of qualification for employment.

895.497 - Civil liability exemption: furnishing safety services relating to child safety restraint systems.

895.501 - Civil liability exemption; credit card reencoders and scanning devices.

895.506 - Civil liability exemption; weight gain and obesity claims.

895.508 - Liability exemption; provision of previously owned eyeglasses.

895.51 - Civil liability exemption: food or emergency household products; emergency medical supplies; donation, sale, or distribution.

895.512 - Civil liability exemption; access to toilet facility.

895.514 - Civil liability exemption; Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan and Authority.

895.515 - Civil liability exemption; equipment or technology donation.

895.517 - Civil liability exemption: solid waste donation or sale.

895.519 - Civil liability exemption; private campgrounds.

895.52 - Recreational activities; limitation of property owners' liability.

895.523 - Recreational activities in a school building or on school grounds; limitation of liability.

895.524 - Participation in an agricultural tourism activity; limitations on civil liability, assumption of risk.

895.525 - Participation in recreational activities; restrictions on civil liability, assumption of risk.

895.526 - Participation in an alpine sport; restrictions on civil liability, assumption of risk.

895.5265 - Civil liability exemption; placement of certain structures in waterways.

895.527 - Sport shooting range activities; limitations on liability and restrictions on operation.

895.528 - Civil liability exemption; placement of markers in waterways.

895.529 - Civil liability limitation; duty of care owed to trespassers.

895.53 - Civil and criminal liability exemption; tests for intoxication.

895.535 - Civil and criminal liability exemption; body cavity search.

895.537 - Liability exemption; sexual assault evidence collection.

895.54 - Liability exemption; notification of release.

895.55 - Liability exemption; oil discharge control.

895.555 - Civil liability exemption; anhydrous ammonia.

895.56 - Liability exemption; handling of petroleum-contaminated soil under contract with the department of transportation.

895.57 - Damages and immunity; unauthorized release of animals.

895.58 - Liability exemption; use of special waste under public works contracts.

895.61 - Asbestos successor corporation; limitation on liability.

895.62 - Use of force in response to unlawful and forcible entry into a dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business; civil liability immunity.

895.65 - Definitions.

895.66 - Mandatory disclosures.

895.67 - Approval of transfers of structured settlement payment rights.

895.68 - Effects of transfer of structured settlement payment rights.

895.69 - Procedure.

895.70 - General provisions.