846.18 Tardy confirmation of sale. In all cases where a mortgage foreclosure sale has been made but not confirmed and the purchaser or the purchaser's successor or assign has taken possession of the land by virtue of said sale, and occupied it for 6 years from and after said sale, the purchaser may apply for and the court may enter an order confirming said foreclosure sale with the same force and effect as if said confirmation was made as otherwise provided by law.
History: 1973 c. 189 s. 7; Stats. 1973 s. 816.18; Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 768 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 846.18; 1993 a. 486.
This section does not establish that a purchaser may apply for confirmation only after 6 years of occupancy. It provides a remedy for purchasers or their successors or assigns when, for whatever reason, the sale is not confirmed according to the procedures in s. 846.165, but their occupancy for a sufficient period entitles them to confirmation by this alternative route. JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA v. Green, 2008 WI App 78, 311 Wis. 2d 715, 753 N.W.2d 536, 07-1753.
Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 846 - Real estate foreclosure.
846.01 - Foreclosure judgment.
846.02 - Foreclosure; defendant may have assignment of mortgage.
846.04 - Deficiency, judgment for.
846.05 - Foreclosure for nonpayment of installment.
846.07 - Order of sale for other defaults.
846.08 - Judgment for sale of whole; adjustment of parties' rights.
846.09 - Amendments as to parties; process and pleading.
846.101 - Foreclosure without deficiency; 20-acre parcels.
846.103 - Foreclosures of commercial properties and multifamily residences.
846.13 - Redemption from and satisfaction of judgment.
846.15 - Plaintiff's rights acquired by junior lienor.
846.16 - Notice of sale; sale; confirmation; transfer.
846.162 - Disposition of surplus.
846.165 - Application for confirmation of sale and for deficiency judgment.
846.18 - Tardy confirmation of sale.
846.25 - Discharge after foreclosure.
846.30 - Redemption period for land contracts.