Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 814 - Court costs, fees, and surcharges.
814.46 - Taxation after settlement.

814.46 Taxation after settlement. Upon the settlement of an execution by a defendant or upon settling any action or demand the sheriff or attorney claiming any fees which shall not have been taxed shall, upon being required by the defendant and on his or her paying the expenses thereof, have his or her fees taxed by some proper officer authorized to tax costs in the court in which the action may be pending or from which the execution shall have been issued.
History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 761 (1975); Stats. 1975 s. 814.46; 1993 a. 486.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 814 - Court costs, fees, and surcharges.

814.01 - Costs allowed to plaintiff.

814.02 - Costs limited, discretionary.

814.03 - Costs to defendant.

814.035 - Costs upon counterclaims and cross complaints.

814.036 - Omnibus costs provision.

814.04 - Items of costs.

814.045 - Attorney fees; reasonableness.

814.05 - Bond premium as costs.

814.07 - Costs on motion.

814.08 - Costs on appeal from municipal court; certiorari.

814.10 - Taxation of costs.

814.11 - Disbursements, how proved.

814.12 - Costs may be set off.

814.13 - Referee; court to fix and allow fees.

814.131 - Taxing costs on compulsory references.

814.14 - Fiduciary; liability for costs limited; bond premium.

814.15 - Assignee's liability for costs.

814.16 - Settlement, costs on.

814.19 - Records copied not to be taxed for.

814.22 - What county to pay costs when venue changed or jury selected for use in another county, taxation, certification.

814.23 - Actions by or against county.

814.24 - Action against city, village or town official, cost.

814.245 - Actions by state agencies.

814.25 - Costs in actions by prisoners.

814.27 - Security for costs.

814.28 - Security for costs.

814.29 - Security for costs, service and fees for indigents.

814.33 - Additional security for costs.

814.34 - Attorney for plaintiff liable for costs.

814.46 - Taxation after settlement.

814.47 - Fees not collectible till taxed.

814.48 - Duty of officers taxing costs.

814.49 - Costs on dismissal for lack of jurisdiction or stay of proceedings.

814.51 - Jury fees; discretion of court.

814.52 - Transport costs.

814.60 - Criminal actions; fees of the clerk of court.

814.61 - Civil actions; fees of the clerk of court.

814.615 - Fees for mediation and studies.

814.62 - Fees in garnishment, wage earner and small claims actions.

814.63 - Fees in forfeiture actions.

814.64 - Fees on appeal to court of appeals or supreme court.

814.65 - Fees of the municipal court.

814.66 - Fees of register in probate.

814.67 - Fees of witnesses and interpreters.

814.68 - Fees of supplemental court commissioners.

814.69 - Fees of court reporters; transcripts.

814.70 - Fees of sheriffs.

814.705 - Governing body may establish higher fees.

814.71 - Fees of city police, constables and village marshals.

814.72 - Fees of appraisers.

814.75 - Court-imposed surcharges.

814.76 - Surcharges in criminal actions.

814.77 - Surcharges in ch. 23 forfeiture actions.

814.78 - Surcharges in ch. 66 forfeiture actions.

814.79 - Surcharges in ch. 345 forfeiture actions.

814.80 - Surcharges in ch. 778 forfeiture actions.

814.81 - Surcharges in ch. 800 forfeiture actions.

814.85 - Court support services surcharge.

814.86 - Justice information system surcharge and special prosecution clerks surcharge.