Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 78 - Motor vehicle and general aviation fuel taxes.
78.73 - Criminal penalties.

78.73 Criminal penalties.
(1) Acts forbidden. Any person who does any of the following may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both:
(a) Displays, or causes or permits to be displayed, or has possession of, any license knowing the same to be fictitious, or to have been suspended, canceled, revoked or altered;
(b) Lends to, or knowingly permits the use by, one not entitled thereto, any license issued to the person lending it or permitting it to be used;
(c) Displays or represents as the person's own any license not issued to the person displaying the same;
(d) Uses a false or fictitious name or gives a false or fictitious address in any application or form required by this chapter, or otherwise commits a fraud in any application, record, report or claim for refund;
(dm) Presents an exemption certificate under s. 78.01 (2) (e) or obtains motor vehicle fuel tax-free under s. 78.01 (2) (f), and uses the fuel obtained tax-free on the basis of the certificate in a manner other than the manner for which the certificate was issued;
(dr) Uses motor vehicle fuel purchased tax-free and obtained from the storage tank of a general aviation fuel dealer, as defined in s. 78.55 (4), in a motor vehicle for highway purposes;
(e) Uses any false or fictitious name or address when purchasing or obtaining motor vehicle fuel or general aviation fuel or alternate fuels from any source for sale or consumption in this state; or
(f) Violates a provision of this chapter, except as provided in pars. (a) to (e) and subs. (2) to (4).
(2) Selling without a license. Each day in which any person acts as a licensee without a license shall constitute a separate offense, and for each such offense may be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year or both.
(3) Attempt to assign license. Any person who assigns or attempts to assign a license issued under this chapter, or who fails to display the license conspicuously at the person's place of business, shall be fined not more than $25 or imprisoned for not more than 10 days for each such offense.
(4) Failure to report or pay. Any person who fails or refuses to make a report or payment as provided in this chapter shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year or both.
History: 1981 c. 20; 1985 a. 153; 1987 a. 27; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 316; 1993 a. 16; 1997 a. 27, 237.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 78 - Motor vehicle and general aviation fuel taxes.

78.005 - Definitions.

78.01 - Tax imposed; collected; exceptions.

78.015 - Annual adjustment of tax rate.

78.017 - Adjustment in 1997.

78.07 - Motor vehicle fuel received.

78.09 - Supplier and exporter licenses.

78.10 - Licensing process.

78.11 - Bond.

78.12 - Reports to department; computation of tax.

78.13 - Notice by licensee of discontinuance, sale or transfer of business; final report.

78.15 - Theft of tax moneys.

78.155 - Penalties for misuse of dyed diesel fuel.

78.19 - Refund for fuel destroyed.

78.21 - Seizure and sale.

78.215 - Separate fuel supply tanks required.

78.22 - Motor vehicle fuel floor tax.

78.39 - Definitions.

78.40 - Tax imposed; collected; exceptions.

78.405 - Annual adjustment of the tax rate.

78.407 - Adjustment in 1997.

78.47 - Alternate fuels license.

78.48 - Application; form; investigation; bond; issue.

78.49 - Reports to department; computation of tax.

78.50 - Notice by alternate fuels licensee of cessation, sale or transfer of business; final report.

78.51 - Theft of alternate fuels tax moneys.

78.52 - Separate fuel supply tanks required.

78.53 - Presumption.

78.55 - Definitions.

78.555 - Tax imposed; rate; collected.

78.56 - General aviation fuel license.

78.57 - Application; form; investigation; bond; issue.

78.58 - Reports to department; computation of tax.

78.59 - Notice by general aviation fuel licensee of cessation, sale or transfer of business; final report.

78.60 - Theft of general aviation fuel tax moneys.

78.61 - Presumption.

78.62 - Exemptions.

78.64 - Definitions.

78.65 - Suspension and revocation of licenses.

78.66 - Records to be kept by licensees.

78.67 - Timely filing.

78.68 - Returns; failure to pay; refunds.

78.69 - Appeals.

78.70 - Actions to collect tax and penalties.

78.71 - Motor vehicle fuel, general aviation fuel and alternate fuels taxes are preferred claims.

78.72 - Preference given actions to enforce this chapter.

78.73 - Criminal penalties.

78.74 - Remedies and penalties are cumulative.

78.75 - Refund; procedure; claim unassignable.

78.77 - Registration of transporters; records to be kept.

78.78 - Reports by transporters; exceptions.

78.79 - Duty of department to enforce fuel tax provisions; promulgate rules.

78.80 - Departmental examinations; information; penalty.

78.81 - Attorney general and district attorney to prosecute; place of trial.

78.82 - Municipalities not to tax motor vehicle fuel or alternate fuels.