Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 68 - Municipal administrative procedure.
68.03 - Determinations not subject to review.

68.03 Determinations not subject to review. Except as provided in s. 68.02, the following determinations are not reviewable under this chapter:
(1) A legislative enactment. A legislative enactment is an ordinance, resolution or adopted motion of the governing body of a municipality.
(2) Any action subject to administrative or judicial review procedures under other statutes.
(3) The denial of a tort or contract claim for money, required to be filed with the municipality pursuant to statutory procedures for the filing of such claims.
(4) The suspension, removal or disciplining or nonrenewal of a contract of a municipal employee or officer.
(5) The grant, denial, suspension or revocation of an alcohol beverage license under s. 125.12 (1).
(6) Judgments and orders of a court.
(7) Determinations made during municipal labor negotiations.
(8) Any action which is subject to administrative review procedures under an ordinance providing such procedures as defined in s. 68.16.
(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any action or determination of a municipal authority which does not involve the constitutionally protected right of a specific person or persons to due process in connection with the action or determination.
History: 1975 c. 295; 1981 c. 79.