Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 644 - Domestic mutual insurance holding companies.
644.10 - Acquisition, merger or consolidation as part of the plan.

644.10 Acquisition, merger or consolidation as part of the plan.
(1) The converting insurance company may propose to acquire, or to merge or consolidate with, one or more domestic or foreign insurers, or both, as part of a mutual holding company plan under s. 644.07. The commissioner shall approve the acquisition, merger or consolidation as part of the mutual holding company plan and shall approve the continued corporate existence of any domestic insurer that is a party to the plan under this section as a subsidiary of the mutual holding company or any intermediate stock holding company, if any of the following applies:
(a) In the case of a domestic stock corporation, no grounds for disapproval exist under s. 611.72 (3) (am).
(b) In the case of a domestic mutual, no grounds for disapproval exist under s. 611.73 (3) (a) and the domestic mutual has complied with s. 644.07 (2) to (8). The converting insurance company and any domestic mutual that the converting insurance company proposes to acquire, or merge or consolidate with, may adopt one plan. The commissioner may combine the hearings required under s. 644.07 (6) for the converting insurance company and any domestic mutual that is the subject of the acquisition by, or merger or consolidation with, the converting insurance company. Section 644.07 (9), (10) (b) to (f), and (11) applies to a domestic mutual acquired by, merged into, or consolidated with a converting insurance company under this section.
(2) Any foreign insurer acquired under a plan under this section may remain a foreign company after such acquisition and may be admitted to do business in this state if it meets the applicable requirements of ch. 618.
History: 1997 a. 227; 2013 a. 279.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 644 - Domestic mutual insurance holding companies.

644.02 - Definitions.

644.03 - Scope and purposes.

644.04 - Restructuring.

644.05 - General corporate powers and procedures.

644.06 - Registered agent for service of process.

644.07 - Restructuring procedures.

644.08 - Reservation of corporate name.

644.09 - Articles, amendments, bylaws and principal officers.

644.10 - Acquisition, merger or consolidation as part of the plan.

644.11 - Restructuring of domestic or foreign mutual with existing domestic mutual holding company.

644.12 - Transfers of a mutual holding company's place of domicile to this state.

644.13 - Restrictions on ownership.

644.14 - Member rights.

644.15 - Sale of voting stock; subscription rights; dividends.

644.16 - Board of directors, committees and records.

644.17 - Removal of officers.

644.18 - Directors' and officers' liability and indemnification.

644.19 - Executive compensation.

644.20 - Management contract services.

644.21 - Annual report of domestic mutual holding company.

644.22 - Securities regulation.

644.23 - Authority to issue mutual bonds and contribution notes.

644.24 - Subsequent restructuring.

644.25 - Conversion of domestic mutual holding company into a stock corporation.

644.26 - Transfer of business or assets of mutual holding companies.

644.27 - Merger and consolidation of mutual holding companies.

644.28 - Voluntary dissolution of domestic mutual holding companies.

644.29 - Involuntary dissolution of domestic mutual holding companies.