Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 302 - Prisons; state, county and municipal.
302.425 - Home detention programs.

302.425 Home detention programs.
(1) Definition. In this section:
(a) “County department" has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (2g).
(b) “Jail" includes a house of correction, a work camp under s. 303.10 and a Huber facility under s. 303.09.
(2) Sheriff's or superintendent's general authority. Subject to the limitations under sub. (3), a county sheriff or a superintendent of a house of correction may place in the home detention program any person confined in jail. The sheriff or superintendent may transfer any prisoner in the home detention program to the jail.
(2g) County departments and department; general authority. Subject to the limitations under sub. (3m), a county department or the department may place in the home detention program any juvenile who is in its custody or under its supervision.
(2m) Intensive sanctions program participants. Notwithstanding the agreement requirements under sub. (3), the department may place any intensive sanctions program participant in a home detention program.
(3) Placement of a prisoner in the program. The sheriff or superintendent may, if he or she determines that the home detention program is appropriate for a prisoner, place the prisoner in the home detention program and provide that the prisoner be detained at the prisoner's place of residence or other place designated by the sheriff or superintendent and be monitored by an active electronic monitoring system. The sheriff or superintendent shall establish reasonable terms of detention and ensure that the prisoner is provided a written statement of those terms, including a description of the detention monitoring procedures and requirements and of any applicable liability issues. The terms may include a requirement that the prisoner pay the county a daily fee to cover the county costs associated with monitoring him or her. The county may obtain payment under this subsection or s. 302.372, but may not collect for the same expenses twice.
(3m) Placement of a juvenile in the program. The department or, upon the agreement of the department, the county department may place the juvenile in the home detention program and provide that the juvenile be detained at the juvenile's place of residence or other place designated by the department or the county department and be monitored by an active electronic monitoring system. The department or the county department shall provide reasonable terms of detention and ensure that the juvenile receives a written statement of those terms, including a description of the detention monitoring procedures and requirements and of any applicable liability issues. The terms may include a requirement that the juvenile or his or her parent or guardian pay the county or state a daily fee to cover the costs associated with monitoring him or her.
(4) Departmental duties. The department shall ensure that electronic monitoring equipment units are available, pursuant to contractual agreements with county sheriffs and county departments, throughout the state on an equitable basis. If a prisoner is chosen under sub. (3) or a juvenile is chosen under sub. (3m) to participate in the home detention program, the department shall install and monitor electronic monitoring equipment. The department shall charge the county a daily per prisoner fee or per juvenile fee, whichever is applicable, to cover the department's costs for these services.
(5) Status.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a prisoner in the home detention program is considered to be a jail prisoner but the place of detention is not subject to requirements for jails under this chapter.
(b) Sections 302.36, 302.37 and 302.375 do not apply to prisoners in the home detention program.
(6) Escape. Any intentional failure of a prisoner to remain within the limits of his or her detention or to return to his or her place of detention, as specified in the terms of detention under sub. (3), is considered an escape under s. 946.42 (3) (a).
(7) Exceptions. This section does not apply to:
(a) A person sentenced under s. 973.04.
(b) A person in jail pending the disposition of his or her parole, extended supervision, or probation revocation proceedings.
History: 1989 a. 122; 1991 a. 39; 1995 a. 26; 1995 a. 27 ss. 6374 to 6381, 9126 (19); 1995 a. 77, 225, 281; 1997 a. 35; 1999 a. 32; 2009 a. 28.
A person subject to home detention under this section is not “in custody" and therefore is not entitled to sentence credit for time served under s. 973.155. State v. Swadley, 190 Wis. 2d 139, 526 N.W.2d 778 (Ct. App. 1994).
This section allows the sheriff to place persons on home monitoring when they are given jail time as a probation condition. A circuit court has no power to prohibit the sheriff from ordering home monitoring for a probationer ordered to serve jail time as a probation condition. By precluding the sheriff from releasing the probationer on home monitoring, the trial court substantially interfered with the sheriff's power in violation of the separation of powers doctrine. State v. Schell, 2003 WI App 78, 261 Wis. 2d 841, 661 N.W.2d 503, 02-1394.
A court cannot avoid the holding in Schell by modifying the conditions of probation to order the probationer to refuse home monitoring. State v. Galecke, 2005 WI App 172, 285 Wis. 2d 691, 702 N.W.2d 392, 04-0779.
This section provides no authority for issuing orders to county sheriffs to transfer prisoners from one county jail to another. State v. Galecke, 2005 WI App 172, 285 Wis. 2d 691, 702 N.W.2d 392, 04-0779.
Under this section, a prisoner participating in the home detention program remains at all times “confined,” that is to say imprisoned, in a jail. The fact that the prisoner is “detained” during the prisoner's participation in the program at a location other than a jail facility does not negate the fact that the prisoner remains confined in a jail for purposes of this section and, therefore, “confined in a correctional institution” for purposes of s. 940.225 (2) (h). State v. Hilgers, 2017 WI App 12, 373 Wis. 2d 756, 893 N.W.2d 261, 15-2256.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 302 - Prisons; state, county and municipal.

302.01 - State prisons defined and named.

302.02 - Jurisdiction and extent of state correctional institutions.

302.025 - Service of process on prison officers, employees, or inmates.

302.03 - Oath of office.

302.04 - Duties of warden and superintendents.

302.043 - Release of inmates serving risk reduction sentences.

302.045 - Challenge incarceration program.

302.05 - Wisconsin substance abuse program.

302.055 - Transfer of inmates to resource center.

302.06 - Delivery of persons to prisons.

302.07 - Maintenance of order.

302.08 - Humane treatment and punishment.

302.09 - Labor and communications.

302.095 - Delivering articles to inmate.

302.10 - Solitary confinement.

302.105 - Notification prior to expiration of sentence.

302.107 - Notification upon revocation.

302.11 - Mandatory release.

302.113 - Release to extended supervision for felony offenders not serving life sentences.

302.114 - Petition for release and release to extended supervision for felony offenders serving life sentences.

302.116 - Extended supervision conditions for sex offenders.

302.117 - Notice regarding ineligibility to vote.

302.12 - Reward of merit.

302.13 - Preservation of property an inmate brings to prison.

302.14 - Property of deceased inmates, parolees, probationers or persons on extended supervision, disposition.

302.15 - Activities off grounds.

302.17 - Register of inmates.

302.18 - Transfers of inmates.

302.185 - Transfer to foreign countries under treaty.

302.19 - Temporary detention of inmates.

302.20 - Uniforms for correctional officers.

302.21 - Vocational education program in auto body repair at the Green Bay Correctional Institution.

302.25 - Interstate corrections compact.

302.26 - Corrections compact; contracts with other states; approval.

302.27 - Contracts for temporary housing for or detention of persons on probation or prisoners.

302.30 - Definition of jail.

302.31 - Use of jails.

302.315 - Use of county house of correction.

302.33 - Maintenance of prisoners in county jail; state payments to counties and tribal governing bodies.

302.335 - Restrictions on detaining probationers, parolees and persons on extended supervision in county or tribal jail.

302.336 - County jail in populous counties.

302.34 - Use of jail of another county.

302.35 - Removal of prisoners in emergency.

302.36 - Classification of prisoners.

302.365 - Jail and house of correction program standards.

302.37 - Maintenance of jail and care of prisoners.

302.372 - Prisoner reimbursement to a county.

302.373 - Prisoner reimbursement to municipality.

302.375 - Restrictions on liquor and dangerous drugs; placement of prisoners.

302.38 - Medical care of prisoners.

302.381 - Emergency services for crisis intervention for prisoners.

302.383 - Mental health treatment of prisoners.

302.384 - Procedure if a prisoner refuses appropriate care or treatment.

302.385 - Correctional institution health care.

302.386 - Medical and dental services for prisoners and forensic patients.

302.388 - Prisoner medical records.

302.39 - Freedom of worship; religious ministration.

302.40 - Discipline; solitary confinement.

302.41 - Care of prisoners.

302.42 - Jailer constantly at jail.

302.425 - Home detention programs.

302.43 - Good time.

302.44 - Cooperation between counties regarding prisoners.

302.445 - Confinement of county jail prisoners in tribal jails.

302.446 - Confinement of tribal prisoners in county jails.

302.45 - State-local shared correctional facilities.

302.46 - Jail surcharge.