Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 299 - General environmental provisions.
299.66 - Inspecting vessels.

299.66 Inspecting vessels. An employee or agent of the department may board and inspect any vessel that is subject to s. 299.62 or 299.64 to determine the state of compliance with those provisions.
History: 1995 a. 290 s. 13; 1997 a. 35 s. 331.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 299 - General environmental provisions.

299.01 - Definitions.

299.05 - Deadlines for action on certain applications.

299.07 - License denial, nonrenewal, and revocation based on delinquent taxes or unemployment insurance contributions.

299.08 - License denial, nonrenewal, suspension or restriction based on failure to pay support.

299.09 - Military training or experience.

299.11 - Laboratory certification program.

299.13 - Pollution prevention.

299.15 - Reports on substances used; wastewater fee.

299.17 - Website information.

299.21 - Gifts and grants.

299.23 - Financial interest prohibited.

299.31 - Groundwater protection.

299.33 - Uniform transboundary pollution reciprocal access act.

299.43 - Collection and disposal of products containing 2,4,5-T and silvex.

299.45 - Manufacture and purchase of polychlorinated biphenyls.

299.47 - Sale and delivery of dry cleaning solvent.

299.48 - Fire fighting foam containing PFAS.

299.49 - Products containing mercury.

299.50 - Products containing synthetic plastic microbeads.

299.51 - Medical waste management.

299.53 - Used oil fuel.

299.55 - Confidentiality of records; used oil collection facilities and used oil fuel facilities.

299.62 - Environmental protection requirements for tank vessels.

299.64 - Open burning on commercial vessels.

299.66 - Inspecting vessels.

299.80 - Environmental cooperation pilot program.

299.83 - Green Tier Program.

299.85 - Environmental Compliance Audit Program.

299.91 - Hearings; procedure; review.

299.93 - Environmental surcharge.

299.95 - Enforcement; duty of department of justice; expenses.

299.97 - Penalties and remedies.