Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 289 - Solid waste facilities.
289.42 - Operation of facilities.

289.42 Operation of facilities.
(a) The department shall, by rule, establish a program for the certification of persons participating in or responsible for the operation of solid waste disposal facilities. The department shall do all of the following:
1. Identify those persons or positions involved in the operation of a solid waste disposal facility who are required to obtain certification.
2. Establish the requirements for and term of initial certification and requirements for recertification upon expiration of that term. At a minimum, the department shall require applicants to complete a program of training and pass an examination in order to receive initial certification.
3. Establish different levels of certification and requirements for certification for different sizes or types of facilities, as the department determines is appropriate.
4. Impose fees for the operator training and certification program, except that the department may not impose a fee on an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44.
5. Require that there be one or more certified operators on the site of a solid waste disposal facility, except for a facility designed for the disposal of high-volume industrial waste, at all times during the facility's hours of operation.
(b) The department may not apply the requirements established under par. (a) to a nonapproved facility until January 1, 1992.
(c) The training required under par. (a) 2. may be conducted by the department or by another person with the approval of the department.
(d) The department may suspend or revoke a solid waste disposal facility's operating license if persons at the facility fail to obtain certification required under par. (a) 1. or for failure to have a certified operator on the site as required under par. (a) 5.
(e) The department may suspend or revoke an operator's certification for failure to comply with this chapter, rules promulgated under this chapter or conditions of operation made applicable to a solid waste disposal facility by the department.
(a) No person engaged in the construction, operation or maintenance of a solid waste disposal facility or hazardous waste disposal facility may dismiss, discipline, demote, transfer, reprimand, harass, reduce the pay of, discriminate against or otherwise retaliate against any employee, or threaten to take any of those actions, because the employee reported to any supervisor, appointing authority, law enforcement official, member of the governing body of the local governmental unit in which the solid waste disposal facility or hazardous waste disposal facility is located or the department any information gained by the employee which the employee reasonably believes demonstrates a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not restrict the right of an employer to take appropriate disciplinary action against an employee who knowingly makes an untrue statement or discloses information the disclosure of which is expressly prohibited by state or federal law.
1. Any employee who believes that his or her rights under par. (a) have been violated may, within 30 days after the violation occurs or the employee obtains knowledge of the violation, whichever is later, file a written complaint with the department specifying the nature of the retaliatory action or threat of retaliatory action and requesting relief. The department shall investigate the complaint and shall determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a violation of par. (a) has occurred. If the department finds that probable cause exists, it shall attempt to resolve the complaint by conference, conciliation or persuasion. If the complaint is not resolved, the department shall proceed with notice and a contested case hearing on the complaint as provided in ch. 227. The hearing shall be held within 60 days after receipt of the complaint by the department, unless the parties to the proceeding agree otherwise.
2. The department shall issue its decision and order on the complaint within 30 days after the hearing. If the department finds that a violation of par. (a) has occurred, it may order the employer to take action to remedy the effects of the violation, including reinstating the employee, providing back pay to the employee or taking disciplinary action against employees responsible for the violation.
(d) This subsection does not limit other protections or remedies available to an employee, including those granted by ordinance, statute, rule, contract or collective bargaining agreement.
History: 1995 a. 227 ss. 531, 532, 991; 2011 a. 209.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 289 - Solid waste facilities.

289.01 - Definitions.

289.05 - Solid waste management standards.

289.06 - Department duties.

289.07 - Department powers.

289.08 - Duties of metallic mining council.

289.09 - Confidentiality of records.

289.10 - County solid waste management plans.

289.11 - Federal aid.

289.12 - Landfill official liability.

289.21 - Initial site report.

289.22 - Local approval.

289.23 - Feasibility report required; distribution; public notice.

289.24 - Feasibility report contents; completeness; distribution.

289.25 - Environmental review.

289.26 - Informational hearing.

289.27 - Contested case hearing.

289.28 - Determination of need.

289.29 - Determination of feasibility.

289.30 - Plan of operation.

289.31 - Operating license.

289.32 - Distribution of documents.

289.33 - Solid and hazardous waste facilities; negotiation and arbitration.

289.34 - Noncompliance with plans or orders.

289.35 - Shoreland and floodplain zoning.

289.36 - Acquisition of property by condemnation.

289.41 - Financial responsibility.

289.42 - Operation of facilities.

289.43 - Waivers; exemptions.

289.44 - Exemption for certain alcohol fuel production systems.

289.445 - Exemption for certain fruit and vegetable washing facilities.

289.45 - Solid waste storage.

289.46 - Transference of responsibility.

289.47 - Closure notice.

289.51 - Solid waste open burning standards.

289.53 - Commercial PCB waste storage and treatment facilities.

289.54 - Disposal of certain dredged materials.

289.55 - Tire dumps.

289.57 - Disposal and treatment records.

289.59 - Disposal and burning of low-level radioactive waste.

289.61 - License and review fees.

289.62 - Tonnage fees.

289.63 - Groundwater and well compensation fees.

289.64 - Solid waste facility siting board fee.

289.645 - Recycling fee.

289.67 - Environmental repair fee and surcharge.

289.675 - Waiver of fees.

289.68 - Payments from the waste management fund and related payments.

289.91 - Inspections.

289.92 - Review of alleged violations.

289.93 - Orders.

289.94 - Imminent danger.

289.95 - Enforcement procedures for older facilities.

289.96 - Penalties.

289.97 - Violations: enforcement.