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285.01 - Definitions. - 285.01 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:...
285.11 - Air pollution control; department duties. - 285.11 Air pollution control; department duties. The department shall: (1)...
285.13 - Air pollution control; department powers. - 285.13 Air pollution control; department powers. The department may: (1)...
285.14 - State implementation plans. - 285.14 State implementation plans. (1) Content. The department may not...
285.15 - Interstate agreement. - 285.15 Interstate agreement. After May 14, 1992, the governor may...
285.17 - Classification, reporting, monitoring, and record keeping. - 285.17 Classification, reporting, monitoring, and record keeping. (1) (a) The...
285.19 - Inspections. - 285.19 Inspections. Any duly authorized officer, employee or representative of...
285.21 - Ambient air quality standards and increments. - 285.21 Ambient air quality standards and increments. (1) Ambient air...
285.23 - Identification of nonattainment areas. - 285.23 Identification of nonattainment areas. (1) Procedures and criteria. The...
285.25 - Air resource allocation. - 285.25 Air resource allocation. (1) Determination. The department, after considering...
285.27 - Performance and emission standards. - 285.27 Performance and emission standards. (1) Standards of performance for...
285.28 - Agricultural waste; hazardous air contaminants. - 285.28 Agricultural waste; hazardous air contaminants. The department may not...
285.29 - Best available retrofit technology. - 285.29 Best available retrofit technology. (1) Case-by-case specification. If visibility...
285.30 - Motor vehicle emissions limitations; inspections. - 285.30 Motor vehicle emissions limitations; inspections. (1) Definitions. As used...
285.31 - Gasoline vapor recovery. - 285.31 Gasoline vapor recovery. (1) Definitions. In this section: (a)...
285.33 - Employee trip reduction program. - 285.33 Employee trip reduction program. (1) Areas. (a) The department...
285.35 - Clean fuel fleet program. - 285.35 Clean fuel fleet program. (1) Definitions. In this section:...
285.37 - Reformulated gasoline. - 285.37 Reformulated gasoline. (1) Definitions. In this section, “reformulated gasoline"...
285.39 - Volatile organic compounds growth accommodation and replenishment. - 285.39 Volatile organic compounds growth accommodation and replenishment. (1) Growth...
285.41 - Sulfur dioxide emission rates after 1992; major utilities. - 285.41 Sulfur dioxide emission rates after 1992; major utilities. (1)...
285.43 - Sulfur dioxide emission rates; state-owned facilities. - 285.43 Sulfur dioxide emission rates; state-owned facilities. (1) Limit. After...
285.45 - Sulfur dioxide emission goals after 1992; major utilities and other large air contaminant sources. - 285.45 Sulfur dioxide emission goals after 1992; major utilities and...
285.47 - Nitrogen oxide emission goal; major utilities. - 285.47 Nitrogen oxide emission goal; major utilities. (1) Definition. In...
285.48 - Nitrogen oxide emissions reductions. - 285.48 Nitrogen oxide emissions reductions. (1) Definitions. In this section:...
285.49 - Trading program for nitrogen oxide emissions credits. - 285.49 Trading program for nitrogen oxide emissions credits. The department...
285.51 - Solid waste incinerator operator certification. - 285.51 Solid waste incinerator operator certification. (1) In this section,...
285.53 - Testing emissions from medical waste incinerators. - 285.53 Testing emissions from medical waste incinerators. (1) Testing for...
285.54 - Medical waste incinerator fees. - 285.54 Medical waste incinerator fees. (1) In this section: (a)...
285.57 - Emission of ozone-depleting substances. - 285.57 Emission of ozone-depleting substances. (1) Definition. In this section,...
285.59 - Recovery of ozone-depleting refrigerants. - 285.59 Recovery of ozone-depleting refrigerants. (1) Definitions. In this section:...
285.60 - Air pollution control permits. - 285.60 Air pollution control permits. (1) New or modified sources....
285.61 - Construction permit application and review. - 285.61 Construction permit application and review. (1) Applicant notice required....
285.62 - Operation permit; application, review and effect. - 285.62 Operation permit; application, review and effect. (1) Application required....
285.63 - Criteria for permit approval. - 285.63 Criteria for permit approval. (1) Requirements for all sources....
285.64 - Criteria for operation permits for stationary sources. - 285.64 Criteria for operation permits for stationary sources. (1) Issuance...
285.65 - Permit conditions. - 285.65 Permit conditions. The department may prescribe conditions for an...
285.66 - Permit duration and renewal. - 285.66 Permit duration and renewal. (1) Construction. Unless otherwise specified...
285.67 - Permit revision, suspension and revocation. - 285.67 Permit revision, suspension and revocation. The department shall promulgate...
285.675 - Pilot program for manufacturing facilities on brownfields. - 285.675 Pilot program for manufacturing facilities on brownfields. (1) In...
285.68 - Failure to adopt rule or issue permit or exemption. - 285.68 Failure to adopt rule or issue permit or exemption....
285.69 - Fees. - 285.69 Fees. (1) Rule making. The department may promulgate rules...
285.70 - Confidentiality of records. - 285.70 Confidentiality of records. (1) Except as provided in sub....
285.71 - Federal aid. - 285.71 Federal aid. Subdivisions of this state and interlocal agencies...
285.72 - Air quality monitoring stations. - 285.72 Air quality monitoring stations. (1) From the appropriation under...
285.73 - Local air pollution control programs. - 285.73 Local air pollution control programs. (1) After consultation with...
285.75 - County program. - 285.75 County program. Instead of state review of plans and...
285.76 - Notice concerning proposed area redesignations. - 285.76 Notice concerning proposed area redesignations. (1) Within 5 days...
285.77 - Machinery use. - 285.77 Machinery use. The department may not require the use...
285.78 - Registration of early emission reductions. - 285.78 Registration of early emission reductions. (1) In this section:...
285.79 - Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program. - 285.79 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance...
285.795 - Small business environmental council. - 285.795 Small business environmental council. (1) The small business environmental...
285.81 - Hearings on certain air pollution actions. - 285.81 Hearings on certain air pollution actions. (1) Permit holder;...
285.83 - Violations: enforcement. - 285.83 Violations: enforcement. (1) (a) If the department has reason...
285.85 - Emergency procedure. - 285.85 Emergency procedure. (1) If the secretary finds that a...
285.86 - Asbestos citations. - 285.86 Asbestos citations. (1) The department may follow the procedures...
285.87 - Penalties for violations relating to air pollution. - 285.87 Penalties for violations relating to air pollution. (1) Except...