Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 236 - Platting lands and recording and vacating plats.
236.28 - Description of lots in recorded plat.

236.28 Description of lots in recorded plat. When a subdivision plat has been recorded in accordance with s. 236.25, the lots in that plat shall be described by the name of the plat and the lot and block in the plat for all purposes, including those of assessment, taxation, devise, descent and conveyance as defined in s. 706.01 (4). Any conveyance containing such a description shall be construed to convey to the grantee all portions of vacated streets and alleys abutting such lots and belonging to the grantor unless the grantor by appropriate language indicates an intention to reserve or except them from the conveyance.
History: 1971 c. 41 s. 11; 1983 a. 189 s. 329 (26).
One who buys lots with reference to a plat that shows certain ways in common is entitled to the use, with the other lot owners, of the ways in common. Lot owners in the same subdivision whose lots are purchased with reference to the same plat are estopped to deny the use in common with other lot owners in the subdivision. The recording of the plat and conveyance of lots by the owner with reference to the plat constitutes the granting of an easement to the purchasers of lots within the subdivision to ingress and egress over private roadways in common with other lot owners, and the original proprietors and their grantees are estopped to deny the legal existence of such rights of ingress and egress. Schimmels v. Noordover, 2006 WI App 7, 288 Wis. 2d 790, 709 N.W.2d 466, 04-2794.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 236 - Platting lands and recording and vacating plats.

236.01 - Purpose of chapter.

236.015 - Applicability of chapter.

236.02 - Definitions.

236.025 - Ordinary high water marks.

236.03 - Survey and plat; when required.

236.10 - Approvals necessary.

236.11 - Submission of plats for approval.

236.12 - Procedure for approval of plats.

236.13 - Basis for approval.

236.15 - Surveying requirements.

236.16 - Layout requirements.

236.18 - Wisconsin coordinate system.

236.20 - Final plat.

236.21 - Certificates to accompany plat.

236.25 - Recording a plat.

236.26 - Notification to approving authorities.

236.27 - Filing of copy of plat.

236.28 - Description of lots in recorded plat.

236.29 - Dedications.

236.292 - Certain restrictions void.

236.293 - Restrictions for public benefit.

236.295 - Correction instruments.

236.30 - Forfeiture for improper recording.

236.31 - Penalties and remedies for transfer of lots without recorded plat.

236.32 - Penalty for disturbing or not placing monuments.

236.33 - Division of land into small parcels in cities of the first class prohibited; penalty.

236.335 - Prohibited subdividing; forfeit.

236.34 - Recording of certified survey map; use in changing boundaries; use in conveyancing.

236.35 - Sale of lands abutting on private way outside corporate limits of municipality.

236.36 - Replats.

236.40 - Who may apply for vacation of plat.

236.41 - How notice given.

236.42 - Hearing and order.

236.43 - Vacation or alteration of areas dedicated to the public.

236.44 - Recording order.

236.445 - Discontinuance of streets by county board.

236.45 - Local subdivision regulation.

236.46 - County plans.

236.50 - Date chapter applies; curative provisions as to plats before that date.