Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 218 - Finance companies, auto dealers, adjustment companies and collection agencies.
218.0131 - Family member's right to succeed deceased or incapacitated dealer under existing franchise agreement.

218.0131 Family member's right to succeed deceased or incapacitated dealer under existing franchise agreement.
(1) Any designated family member of a deceased or incapacitated dealer shall have the right to succeed the deceased or incapacitated dealer in the ownership or operation of the dealership under the existing franchise agreement if the designated family member gives the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor written notice of his or her intention to do so within 120 days of the dealer's death or incapacity, unless there exists good cause for refusal to honor the succession on the part of the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor. The manufacturer, factory branch or distributor may request, and the designated family member shall provide, personal and financial data that are reasonably necessary to determine whether the succession should be honored.
(2) If a manufacturer, factory branch or distributor believes it has good cause for refusing to honor the succession to the ownership and operation of a dealership by a family member of a deceased or incapacitated dealer under the existing franchise agreement, the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor may, within 30 days of receipt of notice of the designated family member's intent to succeed the dealer in the ownership and operation of the dealership, serve upon the designated family member and the department of transportation notice of its refusal to honor the succession and of its intent to discontinue the existing franchise agreement with the dealership no sooner than 60 days from the date the notice is served. The notice shall state the specific grounds for the refusal to honor the succession and the discontinuance of the franchise agreement. If no notice of refusal and discontinuance is timely served upon the family member and department of transportation, or if the division of hearings and appeals rules in favor of the complainant in a hearing held under sub. (3), the franchise agreement shall continue in effect subject to termination only in the manner prescribed in this subchapter.
(a) Any designated family member who receives a notice of the manufacturer's, factory branch's or distributor's refusal to honor his or her succession to the ownership and operation of the dealership may, within the 60-day notice period, serve on the respondent and file in triplicate with the division of hearings and appeals a verified complaint for a hearing and determination by the division of hearings and appeals on whether good cause exists for the manufacturer's, factory branch's or distributor's refusal and discontinuance. The division of hearings and appeals shall forward a copy of the complaint to the department of transportation.
(b) The manufacturer, factory branch or distributor shall, at the hearing held under par. (a), have the burden of establishing good cause for its refusal by showing that the succession would be detrimental to the public interest or to the representation of the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor. The franchise agreement shall continue in effect until the final determination of the issues raised in the complaint.
(c) If the complainant prevails at the hearing held under par. (a), he or she shall have a cause of action against the defendant manufacturer, factory branch or distributor for reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred in the matter. If the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor prevails, the division of hearings and appeals shall include in its order approving the termination of the franchise agreement such conditions as are reasonable and adequate to afford the complainant an opportunity to receive fair and reasonable compensation for the value of the dealership.
(4) Nothing in this section shall prevent a dealer, during the dealer's lifetime, from designating any person as his or her successor dealer by written instrument filed with the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor.
History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 193 to 197.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 218 - Finance companies, auto dealers, adjustment companies and collection agencies.

218.0101 - Definitions.

218.0111 - Authority of licensors.

218.0113 - Licenses for dealers, distributors, manufacturers or transporters of semitrailers and trailers.

218.0114 - Licenses, how granted; agreements, filing.

218.0116 - Licenses, how denied, suspended or revoked.

218.0119 - Changes in places of business to be reported.

218.0121 - Factory stores.

218.0122 - Damages to delivered vehicles.

218.0123 - Vehicle allocations.

218.0124 - Performance standards.

218.0125 - Warranty reimbursement.

218.0126 - Promotional allowances.

218.0128 - Product liability.

218.0131 - Family member's right to succeed deceased or incapacitated dealer under existing franchise agreement.

218.0132 - Termination provisions.

218.0133 - Termination benefits.

218.0134 - Dealership changes.

218.0136 - Mediation of disputes between licensees.

218.0137 - Arbitration of disputes between licensees.

218.0138 - Immunity and presumption of good faith.

218.0141 - Contract provisions.

218.0142 - Installment sales.

218.0143 - Notice of insurance to buyer under installment sales contract.

218.0144 - Prelease agreements.

218.0145 - Prohibited acts.

218.0146 - Motor vehicles.

218.0147 - Purchase or lease of motor vehicle by minor.

218.0148 - Guaranteed asset protection agreements.

218.0151 - Advisory committee.

218.0152 - Rules and regulations.

218.0161 - Penalties.

218.0162 - Commencement of action.

218.0163 - Civil damages.

218.0171 - Repair, replacement and refund under new motor vehicle warranties.

218.0172 - Motor vehicle adjustment programs.

218.02 - Adjustment service companies.

218.04 - Collection agencies.

218.05 - Community currency exchanges.

218.10 - Definitions.

218.11 - Recreational vehicle dealers regulated.

218.12 - Recreational vehicle salespersons regulated.

218.14 - Service fees.

218.15 - Sale or lease of used recreational vehicles.

218.17 - Penalties.

218.20 - Definitions.

218.205 - Motor vehicle salvage dealers to be licensed.

218.21 - Application for salvage dealer's license.

218.22 - When department to license salvage dealers.

218.23 - Licensee to maintain records; purchase and sale of vehicles by licensee.

218.24 - Salvage dealer license number displayed on trucks and truck-tractors.

218.25 - Rules.

218.30 - Definitions.

218.305 - Motor vehicle auction dealers to be licensed.

218.31 - Application for auction dealer's license.

218.32 - When department to license auction dealer.

218.33 - Motor vehicle auction dealer to be bonded; conduct of auction business.

218.34 - Purchases from a motor vehicle auction.

218.40 - Definitions.

218.41 - Moped dealers regulated.

218.42 - Examination by department.

218.43 - Penalty.

218.50 - Definitions.

218.505 - Salvage pools to be licensed as wholesalers.

218.51 - Buyer identification cards.

218.52 - Purchases from motor vehicle salvage pools.

218.53 - Penalties.