Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 198 - Municipal power and water districts.
198.145 - District legislature, ordinances, officers.

198.145 District legislature, ordinances, officers.
(1) The board of directors shall constitute the legislative body of such district and determine all questions of policy.
(2) The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be as follows: “The board of directors of .... municipal power district do ordain as follows:". All ordinances shall be signed by the chairperson, or vice chairperson, and be attested by the clerk.
(3) The board shall appoint a general manager and may appoint and fix the duties of an attorney, a clerk, a treasurer and any other officers that the board considers necessary. Each appointee shall hold office at the pleasure of the board and give a bond in an amount that the board may require.
History: 1993 a. 184; 1997 a. 254.