Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 188 - Fraternal societies.
188.01 - Election of trustees.

188.01 Election of trustees. The members of any grand lodge or division or of any subordinate lodge or division acting under the authority of any grand lodge or division of Free Masons, Odd Fellows, Hermann's Sons, or Sons of Temperance, Grand Army of the Republic, or of the State Grange, or any subordinate grange of the order of Patrons of Husbandry acting under the authority of a state or national grange, or of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union, or any county, district or local Woman's Christian Temperance Union, or of any other society constituted in a manner generally similar to either of the foregoing, whether acting under the jurisdiction of a grand lodge or division or not, may assemble at their usual place of meeting and, in pursuance of the rules of their society, elect not less than 3 nor more than 9 of their number trustees to take care of the property, real and personal, belonging to the society and transact all the business relative to the investment and disposal of the society's property.
History: 1997 a. 254.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 188 - Fraternal societies.

188.01 - Election of trustees.

188.02 - Powers of trustees.

188.03 - In whom property to vest.

188.04 - Election, term and removal of trustees.

188.05 - Council of granges.

188.06 - Powers of trustees.

188.08 - Corporate powers of American Legion.

188.085 - Changing names and dissolving units of the American Legion.

188.09 - Corporate powers of the Disabled American Veterans and affiliates.

188.095 - Changing names and dissolving units of the Disabled American Veterans.

188.10 - Corporate powers of the Wisconsin Veterans Council.

188.11 - Corporate powers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and affiliates.

188.115 - Changing names and dissolving units of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and affiliates.

188.12 - Corporate powers of the 40 and 8; liability for acts.

188.13 - Corporate powers of 32nd Division Red Arrow Clubs.

188.14 - Corporate powers of the Military Order of the World Wars.

188.15 - Corporate powers of Marine Corps League and affiliates.

188.16 - Corporate powers of the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

188.17 - Corporate powers of Navy Club.

188.18 - Corporate powers of Reserve Officers Association.

188.19 - Corporate powers of American Veterans of World War II (AMVETS).

188.20 - Changing names and dissolving units.

188.21 - Corporate powers of the Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Inc.

188.22 - Corporate powers of the Jewish War Veterans.

188.23 - Corporate powers of the Polish Legion of American Veterans.

188.235 - Corporate powers of the Army and Navy Union of the U.S.A.

188.24 - Corporate powers of the Catholic War Veterans.

188.25 - Annual reports of veterans' organizations.

188.26 - Veterans; corporations.