Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 185 - Cooperatives.
185.42 - Recording of cooperative contracts; effect thereof.

185.42 Recording of cooperative contracts; effect thereof.
(1) The association may record in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the member-maker of the contract resides:
(a) A copy of any contract authorized by s. 185.41; and
(b) If a uniform contract is used, a sworn list of the names of all member-makers of that contract residing in the county.
(2) The register of deeds, upon payment of the fee specified under s. 59.43 (2) (ag), shall number each contract consecutively and shall record it. The register of deeds shall enter the name of every member-maker of such a contract in the real estate records index under s. 59.43 (9).
(3) The recording constitutes notice to all persons of the association's rights under the contract. The recording also constitutes such notice that an interest in the title to all products agreed to be sold by the member-maker of such contract to the association during the term of such contract is vested in the association. In case of a purchase of any such product thereafter by any party other than the association from any party other than the association, no interest of any nature shall pass to such other purchaser; the association may recover the possession of such products from any person in whose possession they may be found, may obtain an injunction to prevent any attempted purchase, receipt or transfer not permitted by the contract or may enforce its rights in any manner permitted by law.
(4) The recording constitutes notice to all persons that the contract is and remains a valid contract until:
(a) It expires according to its terms; or
(b) It is canceled by written mutual agreement of the parties thereto; or
(c) It is annulled or otherwise terminated by final judgment of a court.
(5) Whenever the contract has been terminated in any such manner, the association shall give, upon demand, a statement of termination to the member-maker of the contract. Such member may record such statement in the office of the register of deeds where the contract was originally filed or recorded. At least once each year the association shall record in the office of the register of deeds where the contract was originally filed or recorded, a sworn list of the names of all member-makers whose contract has been terminated in any manner specified by sub. (4) (b) and (c). For any recording under this subsection the register of deeds shall receive the fee specified under s. 59.43 (2) (ag).
History: 1981 c. 245; 1985 a. 30 s. 42; 1993 a. 301; 1995 a. 201, 225; 2003 a. 206.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 185 - Cooperatives.

185.01 - Definitions.

185.02 - Purposes.

185.03 - General powers.

185.031 - Refunds after forfeiture.

185.033 - Restriction on changes to articles.

185.034 - Definitions applicable to indemnification and insurance provisions.

185.035 - Mandatory indemnification.

185.036 - Determination of right to indemnification.

185.037 - Allowance of expenses as incurred.

185.038 - Additional rights to indemnification and allowance of expenses.

185.039 - Court-ordered indemnification.

185.04 - Indemnification and allowance of expenses of employees and agents.

185.041 - Insurance.

185.042 - Indemnification and insurance against securities law claims.

185.043 - Incorporators.

185.045 - Reserved or registered name.

185.05 - Articles.

185.06 - Organization meetings.

185.07 - Bylaws.

185.08 - Principal office; registered agent; service of process.

185.09 - Promotion expense; limitation.

185.11 - Membership.

185.12 - Voting.

185.13 - Member meetings.

185.14 - Quorum.

185.15 - Notice to members, stockholders or other persons; waiver.

185.21 - Stock; authorization, issuance, control, use, rights.

185.22 - Subscriptions for stock; liability therefor.

185.23 - Missing securities or records.

185.24 - Liability of cooperative for wrongful transfers of its securities.

185.25 - Applicability of ch. 408 to cooperative securities.

185.31 - Directors; number, election, removal and vacancies.

185.32 - Directors; meetings, quorum and waiver of notice.

185.33 - Executive committee.

185.34 - Action without meeting by directors or members.

185.35 - Officers.

185.36 - Compensation and benefits to directors, officers and employees.

185.363 - Reliance by directors or officers.

185.365 - Consideration of interests in addition to members' and stockholders' interests.

185.367 - Limited liability of directors and officers.

185.37 - Liability of directors and members.

185.38 - Disposition of assets; right to secure debts.

185.41 - Cooperative contracts.

185.42 - Recording of cooperative contracts; effect thereof.

185.43 - Relief against breach or threatened breach.

185.44 - Application of ss. 185.41 to 185.43; venue of action.

185.45 - Apportionment and distribution of proceeds.

185.47 - Financial books and records; penalty for refusal to produce.

185.48 - Annual reports; filing thereof.

185.49 - Omission of seal.

185.50 - Income or franchise tax returns.

185.51 - Amendments to articles.

185.52 - Stockholder voting on amendments to articles.

185.53 - Filing and recording amendments; effect thereof.

185.54 - Restated articles.

185.55 - Amendments by bankruptcy court.

185.61 - Merger and consolidation.

185.62 - Articles of merger or consolidation; effect thereof.

185.63 - Division of a cooperative.

185.64 - Conversion of corporation.

185.71 - Voluntary dissolution.

185.72 - Involuntary dissolution.

185.73 - Liquidation under court supervision.

185.74 - Property not distributed prior to dissolution.

185.75 - Unclaimed assets.

185.76 - Survival of remedy after dissolution.

185.81 - Admission of foreign cooperatives.

185.815 - Recording change of principal office or registered agent.

185.82 - Procedure on filing and recording of documents.

185.825 - Penalty for false document.

185.83 - Fees for filing.

185.84 - Fees or penalty due state.

185.85 - Forms to be furnished by department of financial institutions.

185.91 - Voting requirements of articles.

185.92 - Effect of unauthorized acts.

185.93 - Member or stockholder derivative actions.

185.94 - Use of term “cooperative"; penalty for improper use.

185.95 - Discrimination against association.

185.96 - Application of chapter.

185.97 - Title.

185.981 - Cooperative health care.

185.982 - Manner of practicing medicine, chiropractic and dentistry; payment; promotional expense.

185.983 - Requirements of plan.

185.985 - Inconsistent provisions of the statutes.

185.99 - Health benefit purchasing cooperatives.

185.995 - Extensions of credit by electric cooperatives for certain projects.